Grub's up! Man bites into Kellog's cereal bar and finds LIVE MAGGOT

A PECKISH man truly discovered the meaning of 'grub's up' after he bit into a cereal bar to find a LIVE MAGGOT.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Nick Todd holding the rest of the cereal bar, left, and the infamous MAGGOT, right  MERCURY

Nick Todd holding the rest of the cereal bar, left, and the infamous MAGGOT, right

Nick Todd uncovered the wiggling grub after taking a bite of his Kellog's Nutri-Grain bar yesterday morning.

The 22-year-old project coordinator, from London, was repulsed by the lively maggot he found worming his way through his breakfast.

He said: "It was sitting there on top of the bar, wriggling around a bit.

"I can't believe there was something in there, let alone that it was still alive. 

"I was nearly sick.

The live maggot was nestled on top of the Kellog's cereal bar MERCURY

The live maggot was nestled on top of the Kellog's cereal bar

It was sitting there on top of the bar, wriggling around a bit. I was nearly sick

Nick Todd

"Luckily I had only taken a tiny nibble from the corner before I noticed it, but it was quite well camouflaged so it was lucky I was paying attention.

"It doesn't go out of date until next year and I don't how the maggot managed to survive when the packet is supposed to be air tight."

Mr Todd had bought the cereal bar from a nearby supermarket on his way to work.

He found the maggot still alive – bursting out of a thin film on top of the bar.

The young professional added: "It looked normal on the inside but I'm a bit concerned I've eaten some eggs or something. 

"I hope my stomach acid will kill them if I have.

"The creature looks like it's shed a skin while it's been in there so it might even be a caterpillar, but whatever it is I'm horrified.

"Kellog's is such a huge company you just don't expect this kind of thing from them.

"I've reported it to consumer services so hopefully they'll do something to put it right.

"I'm really disappointed and don't think I'll be eating any of their products again." 

When asked about the maggot incident, a spokesperson for Kellog's explained: "We cannot comment until we have carried out a full investigation and are waiting on receipt of the bar.

"We are very apologetic and would like to stress that it is extremely unlikely this happened in a Kellog's factory."

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