'The justice system has failed us' Anni's family blast decision to drop Dewani murder case

THE sister of murdered bride Anni Dewani desperately wishes she had convinced her to call off her wedding, she revealed yesterday. According to devastated Ami Denborg, 37, there were warning signs that all was not well between her sister and Shrien Dewani, then her fiance.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Dewani's lawyers applied for the judge to dismiss the case last month - today her ruling will be heard IG/GETTY

Dewani's lawyers applied for the judge to dismiss the case - today her ruling will be heard

Anni, 28, was shot dead while on honeymoon in Cape Town in November 2010, just days after the couple’s wedding near Mumbai, India.

Millionaire businessman Dewani allegedly paid two men to ambush the taxi they were travelling in and kill his wife.

Dewani was released unharmed but his wife’s body was discovered in the abandoned vehicle the following day.

Lawyers for Dewani spent three years arguing that he is mentally unfit to stand trial after he was treated in hospital for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

We've had four years of sleepless nights and … will we ever be able to sleep?

Ami Denborg

In April this year, the 34-year-old from Bristol lost his battle and was extradited to South Africa, where he is accused of hiring a hitman to ­murder his wife.

His trial is due to start in Cape Town on Monday and is expected to last for two months. Dewani is set to plead not guilty, arguing that he loved his Swedish-born wife and had no motive to kill her.

But the prosecution is expected to suggest that he is gay and wanted to escape his marriage.

An emotional Ami Denborg speaks out about the Judge's decision to acquit Dewani EPA

An emotional Ami Denborg speaks out about the Judge's decision to acquit Dewani

She added: EPA

She added: "We hope that no other family will ever have to go through what we have been through"

Speaking ahead of the trial, Mrs Denborg said she is “haunted” by memories of a conversation she had with her sister.

She said: “Three weeks before the wedding, Anni actually threw the ring back at Shrien.“She called me and said a lot of things, like it wasn’t working well. I thought she was just stressed out and told her she would get over it.

“Looking back, I should have told her to break it off. If I had, maybe she would be alive today. It still haunts me.”

Anni’s parents Vinod and Nilam Hindocha have made the 6,000-mile journey from their home in SDHpMariestad, Sweden, to South Africa to hear how their daughter was killed.

The current whereabouts of free man Shrien Dewani are unknown  EPA

The current whereabouts of free man Shrien Dewani are unknown

They have vowed to sit through every day of evidence in a bid to uncover the truth about Anni’s death.

Her mother Nilam, 62, who is in remission from cancer, told the BBC Asian Network: “We know it’s going to be very difficult but we will do anything to get justice.

“People say time heals wounds but in our case the wounds are deeper the longer we live without answers.

“Once this is over, we hope we can move forward with our lives and our Anni can finally be at peace.”

Mr Hindocha, 65, said that the last four years have been “torture” for him and his family and have left them unable to grieve.

He added: “We really hope we get to know what happened to Anni. That’s all we are asking for.

“Shrien, tell us the truth, tell us what’s happened. You were there.

“Anni had no right to die the way she did.”

Three defendants, including the taxi driver and alleged gunman, have already been convicted and jailed in South Africa on murder, robbery and hijacking charges.

Dewani free to go

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