Tycoon involved in multi-million divorce fight found impaled below £3m luxury penthouse

BANKRUPT property tycoon Scot Young has died after being found impaled on iron railings following a 60ft fall from his luxury London penthouse.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Officers from Westminster are still on the scene in Montagu Square, Marylebone REX

Officers from Westminster are still on the scene, left, where Scot Young died, right

Mr Young, 52, was known for fighting a very acrimonious six-year divorce battle with his estranged wife Michelle at the High Court and died on Monday evening. 

Earlier this year he was jailed for six months for failing to provide details of his alleged £400million fortune to his estranged wife and was accused of hiding his "vast fortune" overseas. 

The property magnate's body was found impaled on railings below his luxury fourth-floor home in London's Marylebone, which he shared with his American girlfriend Noelle Reno. 

Today, a devastated Ms Reno said she was "distraught by the sudden loss of my best friend" before requesting privacy "to grieve in peace".

Mrs Young had earlier told The Telegraph: "This started at 11pm last night. 

"I am with my daughters, we have been to hell and back."

Eyewitnesses described the scene in Montagu Square as "horrific".

I heard a big bang, like a bottle hitting the floor and smashing. My five-year-old son saw and said 'Mummy, there's a dead man'

Anonymous passerby

A mother, who was walking along the street said her five-year-old son had turned to her and said: "Mummy, there's a dead man."

The woman, who did not wish to be named, explained: "I was walking down the street and was about five car lengths away when I heard a big bang, like a bottle hitting the floor and smashing.

"The next thing I saw was a man there on the railings." 

The mother, believed to be in her 30s, added: "Even my five year old son saw and said 'Mummy, there's a dead man.' 

"I think he's OK despite what he saw.

"I told him there wasn't and walked him up the street and out of sight before calling the police.

"The man was definitely impaled but I couldn't see much because it was so dark and I didn't want to look. 

"It was horrible, I'm still in shock."

A unnamed neighbour also described the harrowing incident, which took place just after 5pm.

Bankrupt property tycoon Scot Young died after plummeting 60ft from his London property PA

Bankrupt property tycoon Scot Young died after plummeting 60ft from his London property

Michelle Young, 49, called her £20million payout from property tycoon Scot Young a PA

Michelle Young, 49, called her £20million payout from property tycoon Scot Young a "disgrace"

They said: "It is horrific and very sad. My cleaners were here and saw the man's body. They were traumatised.

"It was a very gruesome scene. The body was hanging there for a while.

"Police covered it with a tent straight away when they arrived but quite a few people must have seen it.

"I could not look, I was horrified."

Mr Young had a 17-year relationship with Mrs Young and they had two daughters but separated in 2006. 

Over the years, he built up a substantial business empire and owned assets including a home in London, a mansion in Oxfordshire and other properties around the world. 

He was once said to be worth £400million but claimed to have been bankrupted since his split with Michelle, saying he owned debts of £28million. 

Tycoon Scot Young poses on the red carpet with 30-year-old Noelle Reno PA

Tycoon Scot Young poses on the red carpet with 30-year-old Noelle Reno

The unnamed man fell from the fourth floor onto the railings  REX

Scot Young fell from the fourth floor onto the railings

In November last year, Mr Justice Moor assessed Mr Young to be worth £40million - after analysing evidence at a trial - and said he believed Mr Young's assets had been hidden abroad.

He ruled Mrs Young, who claimed her and her daughters had been left destitute, was entitled to half of that. 

But in March he had not paid any of the £20million to 49-year-old Mrs Young and he was jailed for six months for being in contempt of court. 

The judge described the litigation - which began more than six years ago - as "quite extraordinary".

He said over the years Mrs Young had run up a legal bill of more than £6million and employed 13 sets of lawyers and four teams of accountants.

Today Mrs Young had no comment over his death. 

Mr Young and his American girlfriend Ms Reno, who describes herself as a "fashion entrepreneur" on her Twitter profile, appeared together in reality show Ladies Of London.

The programme is similar to the Real Housewives franchise and the final episode was aired earlier this month on ITVBe.

Firemen said they were called to the scene to help police officers cut through the 5ft metal railings with an angle grinder.

A London Fire Brigade spokesman said: "We had two fire engines and a fire response unit there.

"They had to cut through the railings.

"They are trained to deal with all different types of incidents."

A Met Police spokeswoman said: "Police were called to Montagu Square, W1, at 17:18 hours on Monday, 8 December, to reports of a man having fallen from a fourth floor window.

"A man, believed aged in his early 5Os, was pronounced dead at the scene.

"The death is not being treated as suspicious at this time.

"A scene remains in place at the location. Officers from Westminster are on scene."

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