Prince William tells Angela Merkel: UK-German trade will STILL flourish after Brexit

PRINCE William vowed tonight that close political and economic ties between Britain and Germany will not change despite the UK's vote to leave the European Union.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and Angela MerkelGETTY

Prince William vowed that close ties between Britain and Germany will not change after Brexit

The Duke of Cambridge, who was in Dusseldorf to celebrate the 70th anniversary of British military authorities creating the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, insisted that trade ties between the two nations will continue to flourish.

In a speech during a gala he attended alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel, the future King said: "This partnership will continue despite Britain’s recent decision to leave the European Union. The depth of our friendship with Germany and with North Rhine-Westphalia will not change. Bilaterally and internationally we will continue together to lead efforts to promote prosperity, security and stability in the world."

William, 34, also revealed that he wished he had served in Germany as he met British troops from 20th Armoured Brigade based in the country.

The second in line to the throne watched a British Forces Germany (BFG) military parade with the region's minister, President Hannelore Kraft, who presented the federal state's highest honour - the Fahnenband - to the Brigade.

He then met members of the Brigade and their families at a reception. 

Andy Thorne, deputy chief of staff at the HQ of BFG, has been stationed in Germany for 10 years and told the Duke about life as a serviceman in the country.

"The quality of life over here is much better, and he thought that was amazing," he said.

Prince William during his visit to GermanyGETTY

The Duke of Cambridge insisted that trade ties between the two nations will continue to flourish

He told how William replied: "I never had the opportunity to serve in Germany" and said he "wished" he had done.

The depth of our friendship with Germany and with North Rhine-Westphalia will not change

Prince William

William also posed for a photograph with a young boy who was trying to sneakily take a picture without his father seeing.

Ethan Wicks, 12, had been instructed by his dad Captain Ian Wicks, who is based in Germany and was the parade commander, to keep his phone away.

But when the Duke spotted Ethan trying to be subtle, he asked "would you like a proper one?" and posed for a photo.

Angela MerkelGETTY

Prince William giving a speech in GermanyGETTY

William made a speech during a gala he attended alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel

"It was weird that I didn't ask for the photo and that he asked me," the 12-year-old said.

British military authorities created the state on August 23, 1946 under "Operation Marriage", merging the regions of North Rhine, part of the largely Catholic Rhineland, and the predominantly Protestant Westphalia.

A close link between Britain and the North Rhine-Westphalia state has endured since, partially thanks to the continued military presence.

Prince William in GermanyGETTY

William then met members of the Brigade and their families at a reception

William told his audience: "It was not the first 'marriage' brokered between England and North Rhine-Westphalia to make history. Five hundred years ago here, in Düsseldorf, Anne of Cleves was born. 

"Her portrait appealed to the English King, Henry VIII and so, in 1540, she moved to England and became his Queen. As many of you will know, the marriage ended just six months later and Anne lived out the rest of her life in England as the King's 'beloved sister’."

William’s speech came six months after he was accused of favouring the Remain camp before the EU referendum when he gave a speech at the Foreign Office in London in which he stressed the importance of nations working together.

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