'Explosions' reported near Crimean Bridge after 'sea drones' attacked the area

Social media reports say the lights have been turned off after the bridge was struck twice this evening (August 4)

Crimea bridge

The Crimean Bridge (Image: Getty)

The area around the Crimean Bridge has reportedly been struck by "sea drones" as nearby residents report sounds of "explosions".

According to Russian-affiliated Telegram channels, there have been "several explosions" reported in the area along with the sounds of shootings.

Meanwhile social media users report the lights have been switched off along the bridge and the route itself shut off to traffic. Ships travelling through the area are being warned about the attacks.

Russian state media claims the drones are from Ukraine.

The Russian Telegram states: "Crimean bridge under attack by sea drones. There were already several explosions, shooting is heard"

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