Coach guilty of child sex

A TOP former US college football coach is facing life behind bars after being found guilty on 45 child sex charges.

Jerry Sandusky pleaded not guilty to abusing 10 boys over 15 years Jerry Sandusky pleaded not guilty to abusing 10 boys over 15 years

Jerry Sandusky, 68, who pleaded not guilty to abusing 10 boys over 15 years, is expected to appeal against the convictions, which carry sentences of up to 450 years.

His arrest in November sparked a scandal at the famous Penn State University, Pennsylvania.

The university could now face multi-million dollar civil lawsuits from eight victims, aged between 18 and 28, who testified they were abused as minors.

After the verdicts on Friday, Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly described Sandusky as a “serial predator” who committed “horrific acts”.

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