LIFE ON MARS: 'We can't rule it out' NASA finds shock evidence of alien life on Red Planet

FORTY-THREE years after David Bowie first posed the question, NASA has discovered what could be the first signs of life on Mars.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The NASA Curiosity rover detected the sharp spikes in methane in areas in the Gale Crater PA

The NASA Curiosity rover detected the sharp spikes in methane in areas in the Gale Crater

The US agency's Curiosity Mars  Rover has detected spikes in methane gas – one of the main byproducts of living organisms.

The six-wheeled robot was exploring a 96 mile-wide crater on the red planet when it made the breakthrough discovery.

Curiosity has been in the same area since it landed on the surface of Mars in August 2012.

This temporary increase in methane – sharply up and then back down – tells us there must be some relatively localised source

Sushil Atreya, University of Michigan

Previous satellite observations have detected unusual plumes of methane on the planet, but none as extraordinary as the sudden "venting" measured at Gale Crater.

Based on previous evidence, NASA believes that water once flowed through the same crater some billions of years ago. 

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory researcher Chris Webster, who was asked whether the seismic discovery confirmed that there had been life on Mars, said: "We can't rule it out.

"The fact that we've seen [the methane spikes] argues that the stock in a possible biogenic source went up."

NASA has already found evidence that water once flowed freely through the Gale Crater GETTY

NASA has already found evidence that water once flowed freely through the Gale Crater

The spikes occurred within 200 to 300 metres of each other and less than a kilometre from where the lower readings were detected.

By the time Curiosity had travelled a further kilometre, the higher methane levels had completely disappeared.

"This temporary increase in methane – sharply up and then back down – tells us there must be some relatively localised source," added Sushil Atreya of the University of Michigan and member of the Curiosity rover science team. 

"There are many possible sources, biological or non-biological, such as interaction of water and rock."

Wind direction indicated the unknown methane source was hidden to the north of the rover.

However, NASA has also said there could be other, non-biological causes for the mystery methane 'venting'.

The low background methane levels could be explained by the Sun's rays degrading organic material deposited by meteors – although, the spikes of methane require an additional, active source, such as a recent impact by a comet or asteroid. 

NASA has confirmed that neither of these options are likely, as such the object would have to measure several metres across and would have left a large crater.

None has been found in the area surrounding the methane 'vents'. 

Artist's impression of Curiosity looking down at Mount Sharp in the centre of the Gale CraterGETTY

Artist's impression of Curiosity looking down at Mount Sharp in the centre of the Gale Crater

The short timescale of the methane spikes suggest the gas was not released from volcanic deposits trapped in ice - dubbed clathrates. 

Regardless, the NASA scientists are cautious about jumping to conclusions over the existence of living, breathing microbes on Mars.

For now, the authors of the paper have stated that "methanogenesis" - the formation of methane by microbial bugs known as methanogens may be only one of many answers to the riddle.

They wrote: "Our measurements spanning a full Mars year indicate that trace quantities of methane are being generated on Mars by more than one mechanism or a combination of proposed mechanisms - including methanogenesis either today or released from past reservoirs, or both."

Gale Crater, etched into the Martian equator, was formed when a large meteor smashed into the planet between 3.5 billion to 3.8 billion years ago.

At the centre is Mount Sharp which rises 18,000ft above the crater floor. 

Flowing water appears to have carved channels into the side of the mountain and the crater walls.

Another major discovery by Curiosity was that each cubic foot of Martian soil contains some two pints of water, not freely accessible but attached to minerals.

The question of whether there is, or ever was, life on Mars should finally be answered by the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission, which plans to land a 300kg rover on the Red Planet by 2019.

ExoMars will be equipped with a two-metre drill and the ability to detect biomarkers of life. 

It will not be heading for Gale Crater, as it will land with less precision than Curiosity, while both the crater and its mountain are considered too potentially hazardous.

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