Robert Mugabe's fall: Zimbabwe dictator becomes target of internet jokes after tumble

THE President of Zimbabwe has been caught on camera tripping and falling over in public.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Photographers captured the moment the President of Zimbabwe stumbled  AP

Photographers captured the moment the President of Zimbabwe stumbled

Dictator Robert Mugabe, 90, was speaking to supporters from a podium in capital Harare when he stumbled on the way to his car.

The recently appointed chair of the African Union toppled on the red carpet before denying the fall had even happened.

To be honest with you, even Jesus, let alone you, would have also tripped in that kind of situation

Jonathan Moyo, Information Minister

Many local photographers who captured the stumble said they were forced to delete their pictures by security personnel.

"Nobody has shown any evidence of the president having fallen down because that did not happen," Information Minister Jonathan Moyo told the Zimbabwe Herald. 

But while the President claims the stumble did not happen – the internet quickly  gained a fascination with the elderly tyrant's fall. 

Twitter erupted into a flurry of activity as soon as the images first surfaced online.

Hundreds photoshopped the Mugabe Meme – sharing the hilarious variations with the #MugabeFalls. 

Information Minister Jonathan Moyo later reconsidered and offered the following explanation for the photo: "The hump on which the president tripped was formed by two pieces of the carpet which apparently had not been laid out properly where they joined. 

“And to be honest with you, even Jesus, let alone you, would have also tripped in that kind of situation." has gathered some of the best memes below …

Zimbabwe s Robert Mugabe named new African Union chairman

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