'Their only words were – Jesus, help me' Pope speaks out over Islamic State mass beheading

POPE Francis has denounced the merciless beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians in a gruesome video released by the Islamic State.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Pope Francis called those who died in the highly-choreographed propaganda film 'martyrs' GETTY•UNIVERSAL

Pope Francis called those who died in the highly-choreographed propaganda film 'martyrs'

The Argentine pope labelled the film a "barbaric assassination" of innocents who he says were killed for their faith. 

Entitled "A Message Signed With Blood To The Nation Of The Cross" the sickening five-minute clip shows the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians, handcuffed and dressed in orange jumpsuits.

Their only words were: 'Jesus, help me'. They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians

Pope Francis

Their blood fills the waters, believed to be the Mediterranean Sea. 

Pope Francis called those who died in the highly-choreographed propaganda film 'martyrs'. 

"Their only words were: 'Jesus, help me!' They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians," the pope said as he addressed members of the Church of Scotland in his native Spanish.

"The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out to be heard. 

"It makes no difference whether they be Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Protestants. They are Christians," he added.

Christians make up around one tenth of Egypt's predominantly Muslim population.

The 79-year-old pope added: "The martyrs belong to all Christians."

The Vatican's spokesman said yesterday Francis had telephoned the Coptic pope, Tawadros II, to say he was sharing the pain caused by the "barbaric murder of Christian Copts by Islamic fundamentalists".

Egyptian warplanes, pictured here on state television, targeted weapon storage sites in Libya GETTY

Egyptian warplanes, pictured here on state television, targeted weapon storage sites in Libya

Egyptian warplanes yesterday targeted weapon storage sites and training camps in neighbouring Libya as part of a swift response to the mass beheading.

An official statement said the aerial assault was "to avenge the bloodshed and to seek retribution from the killers".

Some 64 Islamic State extremists were killed in the Egyptian-Libyan military airstrikes on Libya, a spokesperson for the Libyan military told state media Al-Ahram.

Military sources said the attacks will continue in Libya.

Egypt Attacks ISIS Targets in Libya

In the bloody Islamic State propaganda film, a masked Islamic State extremists says the group plans to "conquer Rome".

Islamic State fighters have previously declared a desire to plant a jet-black flag of its self-declared caliphate atop St Peter’s Basilica, in Vatican City.

Last year, Pope Francis said his "door is always open" for peace talks with the terror organisation.

When asked whether it would be possible to communicate with the militants, the pontiff had said: "It is difficult, one could say almost impossible, but the door is always open.

"I never say 'all is lost', never. Maybe there can't be a dialogue but you can never shut a door."

Earlier this month, Islamic State released a video showing Jordanian pilot Lieutenant Mouath al-Kasaesbeh being burned alive inside a cage.

The 26-year-old was captured after his F-16 came down in Syria last year.

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