Kim Jong-un to launch fresh purges to weed out 'corruption' amongst senior officials

THE North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has indicated he could be on the verge of launching a string of fresh purges of his senior staff.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervises a meeting of the Workers' Party Political Bureau of the Central Committee REUTERS

Kim Jong Un supervises a meeting of the Workers' Party Political Bureau of the Central Committee

Kim has reportedly ordered senior Workers’ Party of Korea members to carry out a "campaign against abuse of power, irregularities and corruption" amongst the party.

The new no-nonsense policy was announced during a review of Kim's previous three years in power, official Korean Central News Agency reported today.

Kim Jong Un is dedicating himself to the people

Korean Central News Agency

Kim, 32, has previously unleashed a series of purges to tighten his hold on power in the reclusive North Korean nation.

Last month, the dictator executed an army general following a difference in opinion.

Kim has also ordered the killing of his uncle and one-time deputy Jang Song Thaek in 2013.

In total, more than 50 officials were killed on the orders of Kim who cited charges ranging from 'graft' to watching TV soaps from South Korea.

Kim applauds during the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea REUTERS

Kim applauds during the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea

Kim assumed office in North Korea back in December 2011 after his father Kim Jong-Il died REUTERS

Kim assumed office in North Korea back in December 2011 after his father Kim Jong-Il died

Kim’s latest resolution "underlined the need for the officials to devote their blood and sweat to solving knotty problems in the people’s living and difficult problems of people, deeply aware of the noble intention of Kim Jong Un who is dedicating himself to the people," said Korean Central News Agency.

Dubbed The Great Successor, Kim assumed office in North Korea back in December 2011 after his father Kim Jong-il, the Eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission, died of a suspected heart attack.

Kim controls North Korea’s 1.2 million troops and nuclear arms program.

He is also the First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea which is, officially at least, ruled by a party congress. However, the last official congress meeting was in October 1980.

Earlier this month, the Korean Central News Agency released photographs of dictator Kim Jong-un inside his lavish newly renovated private jet dubbed 'Air Force Un'.

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