angela rayner greater manchester police probe

Angela Rayner row explodes as police reportedly probe ‘multiple allegations’ against under-fire deputy Labour leader

It's been claimed this evening that Greater Manchester Police are investigating multiple allegations against Angela Rayner, including potential tax offences.


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brainteaser hidden animal

Only the brainiest can find the hidden animal in this image in less than 15 seconds

Brainteasers are a great way to stimulate the mind and give the brain some fantastic exercise to keep it sharper for longer.


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Life & Style

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itvx premium streaming deal netflix

ITVX offers ad-free streaming in Premium plan deal that’s £70 cheaper than Netflix

ITV's streaming platform boasts hundreds of British and Hollywood films and shows, plus countless comedies like Peep Show, The Office and Friday Night Dinner

Celebrity News

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how to deter rats garden plants

Rats ‘scurry away immediately’ from your garden if you grow four of their ‘nemesis’ plants

Rats not only threaten your garden aesthetically, but they also carry diseases so they need to be kept away as soon as they are spotted. Luckily, you can do so with a selection of plants - all of...


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spain sunshine coast barcelona less tourists

Spain's 'sunshine coast' costs just £50 to fly to - similar to Barcelona with less people

This beautiful port city in Spain is similar to the much-loved city of Barcelona but more remote and far less touristy.


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uk hot weather forecast april

New maps turn orange as 20C 'mini-heatwave' to hit Britain in days

Warmer temperatures look set to return for much of the UK, with 19C in Greater London and up to 17C in parts of the Midlands and East Anglia, weather maps show.


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