BBC News suffers second on-air blunder as star stumbles over words during protest

BBC News suffered an awkward blunder this week after a presenter swore live on-air and was forced to issue an apology, but viewers were recently left stunned by a second.

BBC news correspondent swears during breaking news report

BBC News has faced yet another awkward blunder live on air as a West Midlands presenter made a mistake midway through the report and opted to start again.

Ben Godfrey was presenting Friday's edition of BBC News where he cut to a pre-recorded report from Amy Cole.

Amy was giving a report in front of protestors at a demonstration against the demolition of the burnt-down Crooked House Pub.

She began to explain: "Because of that appeal from the West Midlands mayor Andy Street, asking people not now to go... let's do it again."

Wanting to start over, the camera then zoomed into her face to change the angle before she exclaimed: "Okay.." and restarted.

BBC News suffers second on-air blunder as star stumbles over words during protest

BBC News suffers second on-air blunder as star stumbles over words during protest (Image: BBC)

However, the second blunder of the week didn't go unnoticed as viewers of the show took to their Twitter accounts.

@cleanfeed_ttvr noted: "[BLOOPER] Another retake making it to air on the BBC. No bad language this time though.

"This 'as live' report from Amy Cole on BBC Midlands Today's 6.30pm programme today."

@CandleLIGHTERS said: "BBC not doing too well this week! Second blunder today but at least she didn't swear like the other lady."

BBC News suffers second on-air blunder as star stumbles over words during protest

BBC News suffers second on-air blunder as star stumbles over words during protest (Image: BBC)

Faye Dinners commented: "Oopsie... Someone at the BBC is defo getting fired this week! Second mistake in a couple of days?" (sic).

Earlier in the week, presenter Charlotte Gallagher dropped the f-bomb line on air, with BBC presenter Matthew Amroliwala issuing an apology.

Matthew was giving an update on the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s mass data breach, which saw 10,000 officers’ details published by mistake.

Handing over to his co-star, the BBC were meant to play a pre-recorded clip of a press conference Charlotte attended but instead played the wrong footage

As she began speaking, Charlotte stumbled over her words: "Today he said he was 'deeply sorry', describing the breach as, of… I can’t get my words out… F**k," she quipped.

Immediately realising her mistake, Charlotte pursed her lips and rolled her tongue over her teeth in frustration, before the BBC cut the feed.

Back in the studio, Matthew quickly apologised: "I want to apologise for the bad language a little earlier you may have heard in a clip. We were playing you the outcome of the press conference.

"[Where] we heard from the Chief Constable of Northern Ireland’s police force, that data breach and we went to our correspondent."

BBC News at Six airs weekdays from 6pm on BBC One.

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