Ronnie O'Sullivan preparing to get 'a good bending over and a good seeing to'

Ronnie O'Sullivan has made an X-rated prediction

2023 International Championship - Day 5

Ronnie O'Sullivan is preparing for his disciplinary hearing (Image: Getty)

is preparing to get “bent over” by snooker authorities. The sport’s biggest star is locked in disciplinary proceedings with governing body WPBSA after disparaging comments about the game’s rulers.

“It’s difficult because I’ve got a big [disciplinary] thing coming up soon, they’re going to give me a good bending over and a good seeing to, which I’m going to have to take on the chin,” admitted the seven-time world champion.

But the world No.1 will have to silence the noise ahead of kicking off his UK Championship title bid on Tuesday. O’Sullivan this week revealed that he could walk away from the sport if he’s not allowed to do private lucrative exhibitions events in China.

And the game’s box-office attraction, whose fly-on-the-wall documentary received great acclaim when it was released on Tuesday, added: “It’s like they want a piece of my cake and I’m not prepared to give them a piece of my cake.

Ronnie O'Sullivan

Ronnie O'Sullivan has a new documentary coming out (Image: Getty)

“If someone’s going to respect me and value me more, why would I not go there? It’s like being in an unhealthy relationship with someone, I’d rather be in a healthy relationship with someone.

“There’s no way in 100 million years that if I’m confined to just their events then I’ll ever play again. It could be getting to that point, I don’t know.”

Meanwhile, O'Sullivan has been promoting his new documentary The Edge of Everything this week, which takes an in-depth look at the snooker legend's life.

"If I’d have looked at the contract before doing this and it said you’ve got to do a premiere, I’d have probably said, ‘that’s me out then’,” O’Sullivan said. “When we started, they said there’s going to be a film festival and I was like, ‘I’ve got to go to that?’ They were like, ‘yeah’. I was like, ‘f**k’.

"It’s not my sort of thing really, but I’m trying to learn to embrace it. I’ve not been very good at taking compliments or a pat on the back. If people say, ‘Oh, I’ve always followed your game’, I’m always cringing inside. I’m trying to work on not being like that and letting people be happy for [me].”

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