Mel B urges government to do more on domestic abuse at Tory Party Conference

Mel B has demanded reform of the judicial system at the Conservative Party conference, where she shared her personal experiences of domestic abuse.

Mel B discusses her experience of domestic violence

The former Spice Girl - who is a patron of the Women's Aid charity - called for more to be done to support survivors, as she spoke at a fringe event in Birmingham.

Mel B arrives at the Tory Party Conference

Mel B spoke about domestic abuse at the Tory Party Conference yesterday (Image: PA)

Mel, real name Melanie Brown, joked that she was "probably the last person you'd expect to find at a Tory party conference", adding: "I am not here because I am Mel B, Scary Spice from the Spice Girls. I am here because I am Melanie Brown MBE."

The mother of three described how she was in an abusive relationship for about 10 years, but "kept it a complete secret".

During her 2017 divorce from US film producer Stephen Belafonte, Mel accused him of emotional and physical abuse, allegations he has always denied.

The Leeds-born singer, 47, explained: "I went on tour with the Spice Girls, I was a judge on America's Got Talent - voted best judge, if you can be voted the best judge on a TV show. I put on a smile for the cameras because that is my job and I know I am really good at it as well."

The abuse became worse "bit by bit", she said - leaving her without access to money or a support network and gradually leading her to attempt suicide.

Mel B added: "I couldn't pick up the phone to call my mum, my friends, I didn't have access to anything, and you think, well, Spice Girls are all about girl power.

"But let me tell you, when these abusers get their hooks into you, there is no way out, really - so you think."

It was only after the death of her father that Mel found the strength to leave the relationship, after seven previous attempts.

The star - who has revealed the Spice Girls are reforming for a tour next year - also tweeted Home Office minister Mims Davies, saying "we need to talk urgently" about issues raised at the event.

The Daily Express has joined forces with charity Refuge to campaign for mandatory education about coercive control in all sixth forms and colleges.

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