Katie Hopkins sparks new outrage by branding Ebola outbreak 'efficient'

MORE than 3,750 people have died during the current Ebola pandemic – but that didn't stop controversial Katie Hopkins PRAISING the disease for being an "efficient" means of population control.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Katie Hopkins branded the Ebola outbreak spreading through Africa, Spain and the US as 'efficient' Katie Hopkins branded the Ebola outbreak spreading through Africa, Spain and the US as 'efficient' [ITV]

Writing on Twitter, the former reality TV star posted repeatedly about the fatal viral infection currently spreading throughout west Africa.

"Woman next to me was cold," the former Apprentice star wrote this morning, adding: "I tried: 'It is because I throw so much shade'. She took that as code speak for Ebola and moved seats."

The comments were posted hours after the mother-of-three praised the disease for being "efficient" at controlling a population.

She tweeted: "I rather admire the efficiency of Ebola.

Okay, I have to admit Katie Hopkins may be a mean bully, but she is in fact right about a thing or two... and FUNNY if you're not her target

Twitter user, defending controversial Katie Hopkins

"From a Malthusian and marketing perspective, it is beyond reproach."

Responding to her comments, fellow Twitter users labelled Hopkins a "lobotomy candidate" for posting her "offensive stupidity".

Another blasted the controversial columnist, adding: "YAWN! Just discovered you about a week ago. Already bored. Ask your writer to spark up the material a bit."

But some were far more positive about her Malthusian praise to the killer disease, with one stating: "Okay, I have to admit Katie Hopkins may be a mean bully, but she is in fact right about a thing or two... and FUNNY if you're not her target."

Malthusianism is a school of ideas based on the 18th century theories of Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that whenever a population became too large to sustain itself, there would always be two "checks" to return it to a more comfortable level.

One of these "checks" include moral decisions of members of the problem population, including abstinence and delaying marriage to slow growth, he argued.

The other – which the Reverend branded "positive checks" and was seemingly applied to Ebola by Hopkins in her tweet – include starvation, large-scale wars and vicious disease outbreaks that dramatically reduce population numbers.

Unfortunately for Hopkins, since the Reverend Malthus published 'An Essay on the Principle of Population' in 1798, his theories have largely been discredited by the scientific community.

However, undeterred, Hopkins quickly followed up her first Ebola tweet, by adding: "If I did get Ebola and start bleeding from the eyeballs, I fear many would imagine that is normal for the Hopkins."

Lord Alan Sugar recently criticised the TV personality – who bowed out of his BBC show The Apprentice prior to the final of the third series – questioning her career choices after appearing on the business contest.

Blasting former stars Luisa Zissman and Hopkins together, he said: "They'd go to the opening of an envelope if they got an invitation.

"They have their Andy Warhol moment, thinking it's going to make them famous, but very few have actually succeeded. 

"Before long they're of no interest to anybody."

Hopkins is not new to controversy – sparking outrage in the past for her comments on first names including Chantelle and Chardonnay, and labelling Kelly Osbourne a "purple-headed dwarf".

The former I'm A Celebrity contestant was also slated for branding fat people "lazy".

The Ebola Virus - What is it?

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