I was funny so boys would notice me, says Isla Fisher

HARD as it is to believe, pretty, pocket-sized actress Isla Fisher puts her Hollywood success down to deep insecurity about her looks.

BEAUTY But Isla didn t believe it Picture Wenn com BEAUTY: But Isla didn't believe it (Picture: Wenn.com)

The flame-haired girlfriend of comic Sacha Baron Cohen - who cut her teeth in Aussie soap Home & Away - says she only honed her funny bone in an attempt to attract the opposite sex.

"Growing up, I remember going to parties and seeing the really gorgeous, tall blonde girl in the corner who was mysterious and aloof," recalls Isla, 33.

"All the boys wanted her number and I thought, 'That is never going to be me.'

"I did think though, 'I have to learn to be funny and then the guys will talk to me too.'"

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