‘Price prison!’ Households face £450 bill by leaving broadband contract early

HOUSEHOLDS face the possibility of being sent a bill worth £450 by attempting to leave their broadband bill early.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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This comes as a recent report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that the 52 percent percent of lower-income households would not be able to afford an unexpected bill worth £850. The country is currently in the midst of a cost of living crisis which has been exacerbated by soaring energy bills and inflation hitting a 30-year high last month. In light of this, experts in broadband provision are lobbying for the industry to abolish exit fees which are trapping Britons in extortionate contracts.

Broadband providers have received criticism from stakeholders as prices have soared in recent months despite the cost of living crisis.

However, one broadband provider is calling out its peers for the pressure they are placing on everyday people.

Cuckoo is criticising broadband providers for their above-inflation bill increases and expensive exit fees, which see some households paying £450.

Alex Fitzgerald, CEO of Cuckoo Broadband, is one of the industry leaders calling on the sector to do more for those who are struggling to cope with the rise in bills.

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‘Price poison!’ Households face £450 bill by leaving broadband contract early (Image: GETTY)

Mr Fitzgerald explained: “Today’s report shows that if you're from a deprived background, you’re unlikely to be able to afford unexpected one-off expenses.

“Now imagine yourself in the position which millions of Brits are now finding themselves in.

“Broadband companies have whacked their bills up despite wholesale costs not increasing in decades.

“But if customers try to leave, they need to find up to £450 to leave their contracts early.”


In response to this, Cuckoo has created a campaign which is lobbying UK broadband providers to end their above-inflation price hikes.

As well as this, the broadband disruptor is pushing for the end to “shady” exit fees to mitigate the impact on household finances.

Mr Fitzergald has referred to the recent wave of broadband fee increases as “unreasonable and “unaffordable”.

On the plight of consumers, he added: “It’s an unreasonable, unaffordable expense and put bluntly: it’s a price prison.


Exit fees are getting increasingly expensive, (Image: GETTY)

"34 percent of the most deprived said they are finding it difficult or very difficult to pay their household bills, up eight percent since the ONS's last report.

“This is just the latest evidence that Brits are being truly stung by these rising costs.

“Broadband providers must do the decent thing - scrap the exit fees and axe above-inflation increases.”

Last year, Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom's Networks and Communications’ group director, warned of the dangers posed by expensive broadband bills to low income households.

Ms Fussell added: “Many of us take being able to get online and use a mobile phone for granted.

“But if you’re on a low income or have fallen on hard times, being able to pay for these vital services can be really tough.

“We’re concerned that many households on the lowest incomes are struggling to stay on top of their bills and providers need to take action to make sure these customers get the help they need.”

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