DWP warning: State pensioners could be missing out on extra £92 a week

STATE PENSIONERS could be missing out on an extra £92 a week in disability benefit payments if they have a certain health condition or illness.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Attendance Allowance is a payment designed to help people who are of the state pension age, which is currently 66. The benefit assists people with the additional costs that arise from having a long-term health condition or illness. The maximum amount someone can claim from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) payment is £92.40

On the DWP’s website, pensioners are able to see how they can qualify for Attendance Allowance and other disability benefits.

According to the Government department, someone is eligible for the benefit if they “have a physical disability, a mental disability (including learning difficulties), or both”.

Furthermore, they must have required help for at least six months to be eligible for Attendance Allowance.

How much money someone gets from Attendance Allowance is dependent on the “severity” of their condition, according to the DWP.

READ MORE: State pensioners may be able to increase sum by up to £14.75 weekly


DWP warning: State pensioners could be missing out on extra £92 a week (Image: GETTY)

As such, the benefit scheme is paid at two different rates, one higher and the other lower, which are awarded depending on how the DWP sees fit.

State pensioners will be able to get £92.40 a week if they are eligible for the higher amount or £61.85 if they are entitled to the lower rate.

A state pensioner who is suffering from a severe health condition or illness would get £369.60 from Attendance Allowance.

If someone’s health condition or illness changes dramatically, Attendance Allowance recipients have a responsibility to inform the DWP as this could affect how much they get.


On its website, Age UK has advice for state pensioners who are looking to apply for Attendance Allowance.

The charity stated: “When filling out the form, be really clear about how your illness or disability affects your life and attach any supporting information, such as GP letters, your care plans, or prescription lists.

“Once you've submitted your form, the Department of Work and Pensions may contact you for more information or arrange a doctor visit.

“It's a good idea to prepare for this visit by writing things down you think the doctor should know about.


How much is the state pension? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“You'll get a letter about whether or not you’ll get Attendance Allowance, how much, and from what date.

“If you’re not happy with the decision, you can appeal. We have more information about appealing a benefits decision.”

Applicants call the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 731 0122 or textphone 0800 731 0317.

Alternatively, they can download a claim form from the GOV.UK website and fill in the form physically.

Earlier this year, the Government made a conscious effort to promote its disability benefit payments to those who had otherwise not applied yet.

Chloe Smith, the minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, shared why it is vital pensioners access the DWP’s services if they have a long-term health condition or illness.

She explained: “Living with a long-term illness or disability can have a profound effect on daily life, both for those with a diagnosis and those who care for them, so it’s vitally important you are receiving all the help you are entitled to.

“Millions of people already receive this support and I would urge anyone who thinks they may be eligible for extra financial help to check online.”

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