Inflation in the UK to hit 18% for low earners - 'Something needs to be done!'

EXPERTS are warning that the UK's inflation rate will hit 18 percent for the country's lower earners which will result in bills becoming "horrendously unaffordable".

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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This comes following new research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) which found that the poorest fifth of earners are currently dealing with inflation of 10.8 percent. In comparison, the same study from the IFS showed the richest fifth are only facing inflation-hikes on prices of 8.5 percent. Inflation is causing the prices on everyday goods and utilities to skyrocket. At the same time households are being warned their annual energy bills could soar beyond £4,200 in the coming months.

The IFS is sounding the alarm that the gap between the UK’s richest and poorest earners will grow even further within the next year.

By October, the institute estimates the poorest fifth will experience inflation of 17.6 percent while the richest will see a rate of 10.9 percent, according to the think tank.

For context, a single parent who is out of work will be £460 poorer in October due to rising inflation rate.

Furthermore, the average earner in the UK will be £760 worse off while top 25 percent of earners £1,440 poorer.

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Inflation in the UK to hit 18% for low earners - ‘Bills are going to be horrendously unaffordable!’ (Image: GETTY)

Sarah Coles, the senior personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, is among those sounding the alarm over how inflation will hit lower earners the hardest.

Ms Coles said: “Inflation is set to hit an incredible 18 percent for lower earners this year. This winter’s bills are going to be so horrendously unaffordable that there’s widespread agreement that something needs to be done.

“Unfortunately, while there are plenty of potential solutions being bandied about, we don’t yet know who will be in a position to make a decision, and with every day that passes, it means people are waiting even longer to get the help they need.

“Making sweeping changes to taxes and benefits takes time. Even if the new Prime Minister opts for the package being prepared by the current Chancellor, there’s no guarantee it would be ready for October’s price hike.”


The finance expert also cited how “vital” it was for a long-term plan to be implemented so inflation does not end up becoming the norm.

Ms Coles warned the crisis over energy bills “isn’t going to go away overnight” and is one of the main factors in raising the inflation rate.

Earlier in the year, the Government launched a support package to address inflation and the increase to energy bills.

This initiative included a £650 cost of living payment for those on means-tested benefits, a £400 energy bill grant for all households, an extra £300 for pensioners, and £150 reserved for those with a disability.

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How has pay kept up with inflation? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

With forecasts suggesting that inflation and energy bills are expected to rise for the near future, the candidates for the Conservative leadership election have shared their plans to recover the economy.

The former Chancellor Rishi Sunak has promised to cut VAT on energy bills, insert an extra £5billion into the benefit system and is exploring introducing a windfall tax on suppliers.

In comparison, Liz Truss plans to scrap green levies on energy bills and introduce targeted support for those on lower incomes, but is against any windfall tax on gas and electricity companies.

The Opposition leader Keir Starmer has called for the energy price cap to be frozen, which has been supported by companies such as Scottish Power, to support lower earners.

Paul Johnson, the IFS’ Director, said: “The Government is still playing catch up as inflation and the cost of energy continue to spiral upwards.

“Just achieving what they wanted to achieve back in May will cost an additional £12billion, and a package on that scale will still leave many households much worse off.

“Given the costs there are genuine and difficult trade-offs here. For both households managing their budgets and the government managing the economy’s finances some clarity on strategy is urgently needed.”

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