Britons could save over £225 on their energy bills with 4 boiler hacks - 'Make the change'

With household energy bills on the rise, families and homeowners will be looking for ways to save money on their heating bills while also staying comfortably warm.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

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The typical household energy bill has been capped at £2,500 this year, but that will be increasing in 2023 to £3,000 - and with temperatures dropping, it is vital for vulnerable people to retain as much heat as they can. Experts from RD Heat have put together four hacks for people to use for their boiler that will help keep energy prices low but temperatures comfortably high in their home.

Rebecca Davies from energy expert at RD Heat stressed the importance of having a combi boiler over a ‘heat only’ boiler.

She said: “A heat-only boiler is usually found in larger properties as it can better meet the demand for hot water across multiple utilities.

“While they can supply large amounts of hot water at once via your central heating, they draw water from a cylinder rather than from the mains, meaning you will run out of water more frequently.

“This is not an entirely efficient solution, as the boiler then has to refill with cold water and heat up to the appropriate temperature; the cylinder may also heat up more water than required, further raising heating bills.”

Instead, households should consider replacing heat-only boilers with combi ones, which can save them between 20-35 percent on their gas bills and help to reduce the impact of future price increases.


boiler savings

Britons can save over £255 on their bills (Image: GETTY)

This is because combi boilers provide hot water based on demand, making them energy efficient and a good value for money for smaller homes, she explained.

Additionally, Britons are encouraged to lower the eco-mode on their combi boiler to 55 degrees.

Combi boilers also have an 'eco-mode', which allows them to use less gas.

Utilising this feature “saves money and energy”, Ms Davies said which is not only a good financial option in the current climate, but also reduces the carbon footprint.


She continued: “However, you can actually run your boiler lower than that while still being able to warm your home.

“Lowering the eco-mode to about 55 to 60 degrees on your condensing boiler will turn down the radiator flow temperature which dictates the temperature of the water that travels through your radiators.

“Making this change can save you up to nine percent on your gas bills, meaning households could save up to £225 on their yearly bill.”

Another hack for those with a large family or home is to switch to a system boiler.


budget squeeze explained

As the cost of living crisis continues, any extra cash could be vital for families on low incomes (Image: EXPRESS)

Larger households that have more than one full bathroom should consider switching to a system boiler, which is a middle ground between a combi and a heat-only.

A system boiler uses a cylinder that is large enough to store plenty of hot water that can then be supplied to multiple rooms and utilities at once.

This means members of the household will not have to wait to take turns using the utilities, saving time spent using the boiler, and saving on energy bills as a result.

Because a system boiler stores the hot water in a cylinder, they can also determine exactly the output of water they’ll need based on the household’s demands and the size of the property.

System boilers, like combis, are condensing boilers, which extract over 90 percent of the heat from the fuel that they burn to heat water and are therefore highly cost-effective, Ms Davies said.

Lastly, to save money on bills, Ms Davies recommended turning off the boiler’s pre-heat settings.

Boilers often come with a pre-heat setting which involves the boiler retaining a small amount of hot water continuously for whenever one decides to run a shower or use the sink.

Ms Davies continued: “While this means that running water will quickly heat up when using it, the boiler is still retaining that hot water even after use, driving up your energy bills.

“To counteract this, simply switch off the pre-heat option on your boiler; this way, your boiler will no longer be storing hot water that is not being used.

“Although this means you will have to wait a short while for the water to heat up when using the shower or other utilities, you will be able to save between five to 10 percent on your heating bill.”

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