Britons need 'less than they think' for retirement - 4 options to consider when saving

There is no one size fits all answer when knowing how much one will need for their retirement however the key to sustainability is flexibility.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

Martin Lewis discusses NI contributions to pension

No one will knows what will happen in the future and what will happen with inflation or the stock market. The lack of answers to these questions leaves people working much longer than they need to.

On his YouTube channel, financial planner James Shack explained how best people can prepare for retirement, despite not knowing the exact figure they need.

He stated the answer is flexibility. People need to accept the fact they will not be able to plan for everything and instead build flexibility to handle what life can throw at them.

By understanding different options and having flexibility to adapt, people can retire much earlier to with much more confidence about the future than they thought.

He explained the four percent rule is “the most widely used tool for gaging whether you have reached that critical point,” to retire.



With investing comes risk, people could get back less than they put in (Image: GETTY)

The rule states if someone retires with an investment portfolio of £100,000, they should be able to draw four percent from it to live with.

This is £4,000 each year whilst adjusting for inflation, and even in the worst of scenarios this should be sustainable.

If people want to withdraw more money each year, they need to save more and adjust the calculation, but the principe is the same. Even in the face of uncertainty it can offer a simple figure that people can aim towards.

However Mr Shack pointed out that it gives the idea that the only way to reach this goal is to save as much money as possible and keep working until the goal is reached, but this is not the case.


He gave an example of Fred and Rosie, a 47-year-old couple who want to retire at 55 with a net retirement income of £40,000 between them.

He explained if someone wanted to retire with £40,000, they would need £1million in their pot, which “is a lot of money”.

The finance expert said: “In reality you can confidently retire with way less than you think so long as you are willing to be flexible and adapt if you need to.”

Currently their portfolio is worth £305,000, meaning in the next eight years to 55, they would need it to grow substantially to get to £1million for them, however it is not guaranteed how the stock market will perform. Also Rosie is no longer working so this limits their income.

state pension explained

State pension age is currently 66 in the UK (Image: EXPRESS)

When Britons make a plan about their retirement goals, It’s important for them to consider all the options that could help them achieve their goal if something unexpected happens.

If the market does not perform well, Mr Shack mentioned other things people could do to reach their retirement goals.

1 By delaying retirement a few years, people could boost their pension pots by thousands.

Standard Life explained understanding how much one may need for their desired lifestyle in old age is key, and it has calculated the impact possible savings of retiring across different ages.

If one built a pot of £203,000 by 60, this would rise to £263,000 if left until they were 65 and £304,000 if left until 68, they showed.

2 Instead of working at a current job for longer, another option is finding sustainable part time work.

Mr Shack explained if both Rosie and Fred could bring in extra money from a part time venture between ages 55 and 60 they could increase their chances of sustaining their pot and having a passive income at £40,000.

3 However if they are both desperate to stop working, another option to consider is downsizing.

Downsizing during retirement can be a great option for many people, especially for those looking to save money and enjoy the benefits of having a bit of extra money from the sale of their current home. It is simply when people buy a smaller house than the one they have now

4 If downsizing is not an option, customers can reduce their retirement income.

If they reduced their preferred income to £35,000 a year instead of £40,000 between them, their pot, no matter how much it has grown in eight years, could sustain them for much longer.

These are just four options that can help people when retirement planning.

Mr Shack recommended people visit a financial planner for personal advice to help them for retirement, without leaving them working for years ahead.

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