Martin Lewis warns 100,000s are missing out on 'big' council tax discounts

A Martin Lewis fan has explained how his daughter got a £10,000 council tax refund after one of his campaigns to raise awareness on council tax discounts available.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

Martin Lewis

Martin Lewis warns millions may be missing out on council tax discounts (Image: ITV)

In the MoneySavingExpert newsletter, urged those with certain health conditions to check if they are entitled to “big council tax discounts”.

The fan emailed the MoneySavingExpert team saying: "My daughter got a £10,000 council tax refund for her multiple sclerosis, and future bills wiped. Thank you."

Mr Lewis explained that hundreds of thousands of people could be missing out on this discount because they are unaware.

Anyone with a severe mental impairment (SMI) could be entitled to 100 percent discount on their bills.

After finding out how unclaimed the discount was, his team started campaigning in 2016 to raise awareness on how SMI works.

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council tax

Britons could get up to 100% off their council tax bills (Image: GETTY)

He said: “As her parents, we've tried to keep the wolf from her door, but this money and the savings going forward are immense, and we can only thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do. We'll be listening in to all of your future programmes."

Households with people suffering from severe mental impairment may be entitled to a reduction in their council tax from 25 percent up to 100 percent.

Some households that qualify are entirely exempt from paying any money at all on their council tax bill.

Who is eligible for severe mental impairment (SMI) discounts?
To qualify for a discount, Britons need to be medically certified as having an "SMI".

PIP explained

PIP claimants may qualify for extra income with premiums (Image: EXPRESS)

The newsletter said: “Although things have somewhat improved, 100,000s with profound learning difficulties, Alzheimer’s, dementia and many more may be still missing out.”

Mr Lewis stated it’s a “tragedy” that many frontline council staff didn't know about this as it could have helped those in need during this costly time.

Ronnie sent an email to the website about how the information on SMI from one of Mr Lewis’s previous shows helped him to secure a £938 refund on their council tax bills.

He realised he may be able to get back payments so gathered his daughter’s evidence back to when she had a severe attack and claimed for those years. In total, they were refunded £10,297.


The term ‘severely mentally impaired’ is defined as a person who has a severe impairment of intelligence or social functioning (however caused) which appears to be permanent.

This could include (but is not limited to) conditions such as dementia, or severe Parkinsons, and other brain injuries.

For more information as to what qualifies, people can check the Government website and speak to their doctor.

Additionally, to qualify someone must be medically certified with SMI and be entitled to certain qualifying benefits.

Qualifying benefits include:

  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Income Support Disability Premium
  • Universal Credit (in circumstances where a person has limited capability for work and/or work-related activity)

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For more information, people can visit their local council’s website.

Britons with SMI who live alone are entitled to 100 percent council tax discount. If they live with an adult carer, the house gets 50 percent council tax discount. Those with SMI living with one qualifying adult can get a 25 percent council tax discount.

Lastly, if someone has SMI and lives with two or more qualifying adults, they are not entitled to a discount.

Martin Lewis and the MoneySavingTeam urge anyone who thinks they may be eligible to claim this discount as it could be worth £1,000s.

Martin Lewis is the Founder and Chair of To join the 13 million people who get his free Money Tips weekly email, go to

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