Weight loss news: How mum who struggled to lose her baby weight shifted SIX stone

WEIGHT loss was no easy feat for Tanya McMillan who weighed 17.5 stone at her heaviest.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Weight loss news: How mum shifted six stone after having a babyWEIGHT WATCHERS

Weight loss news: Tanya McMillan struggled to shift six stone after having a baby

The 35-year-old from Edinburgh struggled to get slim after having a baby. 

But with strength and perseverance, and help from Weight Watchers, Tanya has now lost and managed to keep off six stone. 

After giving birth to her daughter, Poppy, Tanya was at her heaviest, weighing in at 17.5 stone. 

She said: “I’d reached a low point. Despite having just had my gorgeous daughter I was struggling to cope with how I felt about myself.

Weight loss news: How mum shifted six stone after having a babyWEIGHT WATCHERS

Weight loss news: Tanya weighed 17.5 stone at her heaviest

“I’d always had trouble with my weight, but now I was hiding behind baggy tops and elasticated trousers. Looking my best wasn’t high on my priority list, and my confidence really took a knock.” 

After losing four stone on her own, Tanya decided to join Weight Watchers and was set a goal. 

But she quickly stopped going to meetings and regained her losses twice before getting serious about her weight loss in 2014. 

Weight loss news: How mum shifted six stone after having a babyWEIGHT WATCHERS

Weight loss news: Tanya still lacks confidence about her body

“With the support of my leader, Rhona, and my mum, I got to goal and I’ve stayed there,” she said. “It’s been a great feeling.” 

But despite being happy with her weight, Tanya still struggles with confidence and is not sure she’ll ever be one hundred per cent happy with how she looks. 

She revealed: “Like many women, i love fashion, and finally being able to dress how I want has been brilliant. But as I’ve always been heavy, it’s still difficult to convince myself I can fit into that size 8 or 10 - I think I’ll always see myself as the ‘fat’ one. 

“As someone who’s hidden herself behind baggy jumpers, I know how much what you wear affects how you feel about yourself - and I’d love to learn how to use my love of fashion to boost my self-esteem now that I’ve reached my goal.” 

Weight loss news: How mum shifted six stone after having a babyWEIGHT WATCHERS

Weight loss news: Tanya hopes to boost her self esteem through fashion

For anyone struggling to stay on top of their Weight Watchers programme, Tanya said: “Make sure to go to your meeting every week, even if you’re feeling rubbish and that you might be off plan. 

“Your coach and fellow members are vital to your journey and will help you way more than you think art the time. 

“Also try to experiment with different foods and mix up what you’re eating so as not to get bored.” 

Oprah Winfrey, the queen of empowerment, has experienced her fair share of weight loss and weight gain over the last couple of decades. But now the television titan has finally found a regime which works for her - and she has Weight Watchers to thank. 

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