Steve Miller's SHOCKING diet advice: ‘If your belly sticks out you are TOO fat'

STEVE MILLER has been slammed for his campaign to make obese NHS staff wear ‘I’m fat’ badges - but is his brash fat shaming the right way to get Brits to slim down?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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The term ‘big is beautiful’ has been used over the past decade to recognise wider definitions of beauty.

But controversial weight loss guru Steve Miller says it’s time the phrase was banished and that people started to realise “fat acceptance is death acceptance”.

Alongside campaigning for obese NHS staff to wear ‘I’m fat’ badges to inspire themselves and patients to lose weight, the presenter of Sky 1 TV show Fat Families also wants to champion restaurants having a warning on their menus, which reads ‘If you are fat, think before ordering’.

Steve told “I had initial backlash to my badge idea but people are starting to get it. People don’t realise that the badge is voluntary, but when they do they begin to understand where I am coming from.

“Our medics are at the centre of helping to fight the UK obesity epidemic so I am asking overweight clinical staff groups to wear the badge to inspire and motivate themselves and the patients. I am also willing to join in and I have deliberately gained two stone to prove it can help patients.”

With regards to fat shaming on restaurant menus, he explained: “I want people to really think before placing an order. Popping the calories on menus doesn’t seem to have achieved what was desired, so we need to be stronger as we did with cigarette warnings. If I can get just one per cent of obese folk to select more healthy options from a menu then I am making a difference.”

Steve Miller on fat shamingGETTY

Steve Miller on fat shaming: The weight loss guru says 'big is beautiful' needs to vanish

Promoting ‘big is beautiful’ (AKA fat and proud) is plainly wrong.

Steve is also hoping to ban fat acceptance campaigns that are wrapped in the ‘love your curves’ message.

Figures such as English model Iskra Lawrence are big promoters of the fuller figure, but Steve said: “Promoting ‘big is beautiful’ (AKA fat and proud) is plainly wrong.

“Endorsing such a mantra opens up the floodgates for millions to potentially suffer severe medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and stroke. I am yet to meet a woman who is truly happy and fat. Many hide the emotional pain of being too fat by proclaiming ‘big is beautiful’. Dig deep, and they are unhappy and want to break free from being obese. Fat acceptance is death acceptance.”

So what is the perfect size in Steve’s books?

“I say let’s keep it simple,” answered Steve. “Not too fat and not too thin. Stand up, look down and if your belly is sticking out then you are too fat. Let’s not complicate it.”

While some people are concerned over his methods and the effect they may have on people developing eating disorders, Steve says it’s all in the delivery of the message.

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Steve Miller on fat shaming: Getting obese NHS nurses to wear fat badges is part of his campaign

“I like to think most humans are attractive on the inside and I would champion a cause for that. However, how on earth can we endorse overweight as attractive?

“Fat is like a duvet that hides the true features of beauty. However - don’t get me wrong, being too thin is equally as bad.

“But the biggest eating disorder in the UK right now is obesity and I am afraid this eating disorder is affecting more people daily, so I cannot apologise for championing fat is wrong and slim is right. For conditions such as anorexia and bulimia people need support, but these conditions are very complex and often not related to the promotion of being slim.”

Steve is afraid the term ‘big is beautiful’ is normalising obesity: “The statement is handing people an excuse not to lose weight and it really worries me because of how this will affect people’s mortality.

“I want people to live a healthy life, a long life and not one that presents them with endless health issues. This term may not only affect people’s health but also add to the ever ballooning NHS bill.

“We need to reverse the trend of ‘big is beautiful’ and introduce my mantra ‘slim is sassy, healthy and groovy’. Let’s make slim the cool thing to be and stop worrying about political correctness.”

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Steve Miller on fat shaming: "Slim is sassy, healthy and groovy"

The NHS suggests using their body mass index (BMI) calculator to work out if you’re a healthy weight. 

BMI is a measure of whether you’re a healthy weight for your height.

The NHS writes on its website: “BMI isn’t used to definitively diagnose obesity, because people who are very muscular sometimes have a high BMI without excess fat. But for most people, BMI is a useful indication of whether they’re a healthy weight, overweight or obese.

“A better measure of excess fat is waist circumference, which can be used as an additional measure in people who are overweight (with a BMI of 25 to 29.9) or moderately obese (with a BMI of 30 to 34.9).

“Generally, men with a waist circumference of 94cm (37in) or more and women with a waist circumference of 80cm (about 31.5in) or more are more likely to develop obesity-related health problems.”

If you or someone else has developed an eating disorder you can talk in confidence to an adviser from the eating disorders charity Beat by calling their helpline on 0346 634 7650 or find your local eating disorder support service on the NHS website.

Dairy Milk, Mars bars and Kit Kats could be about to shrink to tackle child obesity. 

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