Weight loss: Eating from a plate THIS shape could help dieters shed the pounds

WEIGHT LOSS diets aren’t all about what you eat, but the amount you eat too, which is why a new plate design could trick your mind into eating less and shedding the pounds.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Weight loss: A new crinkly plate could help people shed the pounds

A crinkly plate, designed with ridges that reduces the amount of food it holds, could soon hit the market and be an easy answer to weight loss. 

While the plate looks like any other from above, it’s also made of clear glass to make food look bigger. 

The plate was designed by Nauris Cinovics from the Art Academy of Latvia who is now planning to test it on 100 people. 

Obesity experts have backed the idea, saying the plate could act as an alternative to just choosing smaller plates. 

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Weight loss: The crinkly plate could make eating more laborious

My idea is to make food appear bigger than it is.

Cinovics said: “My idea is to make food appear bigger than it is,” reports The Guardian. 

“If you make the plate three-dimensional [with ridges and troughs] it actually looks like there is the same amount of food as on a normal plate - but there is less of it.

“You are tricking the brain into thinking you are eating more.” 

The plate could turn eating dinner into a more complex and longer process, as diners negotiate the folds in the glass. 

Cinovica has also designed heavy cutlery, another idea to make eating more laborious and last longer. 

His knife, fork and spoon weight 1.3kg each. 

Cinovics unveiled his idea at the European Congress on Obesity in Porto, Portugal. 

A study unveiled at the world’s largest obesity conference showed a pill which contains a balloon can be an effective alternative to weight loss surgery. 

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Weight loss: The crinkly plate could be an alternative to just a smaller plate

Experts are urging the NHS to now consider funding the pills for Britons, with one in four people in the UK being obese. 

Once the pill is swallowed, the balloon swells up in the stomach when it is filled with water. 

This then restricts the amount of calories a person can eat. 

The study of 42 adults found they lost two stone and six pounds on average after four months. 

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