Weight loss: Busy mum slims from size 22 to 8 using can of BEANS - this is how

A BUSY mum lost half her body weight in just nine months by using cans of baked beans as exercise weights.

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Weight loss: Busy mum slims from size 22 to 8 using can of BEANS - this is how

Hollie Nolan, 30, designed an entire exercise regime using the tins of beans from her local supermarket.

She ditched an impressive seven stone to go from a size 22 to a size 8 after seeing herself in a DVD recording of her sister's wedding.

The receptionist burst into tears and finally faced up to the fact she was struggling to walk - but had no idea how she would fit exercising and dieting around raising her boys, four and seven.

Her supportive dad John, 57, offered to pay for Slimming World classes and take them all to Corfu, Greece, if she could lose two stone.


Hollie designed an entire exercise regime using the tins of beans from her local supermarket

When I saw myself in the wedding video I felt sick and embarrassed

Hollie Nolan

Determined Ms Nolan ditched her nights in with sugary snacks and started running three miles thrice a week to pick up her sons from her mum Susan's house after she finished work.

The single mum from Bolton, Greater Manchester, bought an exercise DVD by Davina McCall and used it twice a day, raiding her kitchen cupboards instead of buying expensive hand weights.

She went from 16st and 7lbs to a svelte 9st 7lbs and now loves dressing up and going out with her family.

Ms Nolan said: "When I saw myself in the wedding video I felt sick and embarrassed. 


She ditched an impressive seven stone to go from a size 22 to a size 8

Super-slimmer reveals STUNNING five-stone weight loss

"I didn't realise I was that big. I put it on over a number of years, after the birth of my second child.

"My family had been saying 'you need to lose weight, you need to go on a diet.

"I didn't have the motivation and slipped into depression. I was getting out of breath and struggling to walk properly.

"I was getting bigger and bigger, I put it all on over about two years, after my second child was born.

"I lost interest in what I was wearing and I didn't want to socialise.

"But seeing the video gave me the motivation to change.

"I used tins of beans instead of weights. You can focus on legs, cardio or just warm up. If I'm busy I'll just do 20 or 30 minutes each day.

"And I cook everything from scratch. I like cooking anyway, it's more enjoyable.

"Now my confidence has grown 100 per cent. I wear things I wouldn't have dreamed of wearing before."

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