A personal grocery shop? Domino’s worker snapped in Aldi bulk-buying chicken wings

DOMINO’S PIZZA has come under scrutiny after a shopper spotted a member of staff wearing the uniform bulk buying chicken wings and coleslaw from Aldi. It comes just days after another member of staff was pictured bulk-buying frozen wedges in Asda.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Domino’s employee photographed buying ALDI chicken wings and coleslawMERCURY PRESS

A Domino’s employee was photographed buying ALDI chicken wings and coleslaw

An enraged shopper complained to Domino’s after spotting a ‘sheepish-looking’ member of its staff piling high their shopping trolley full of hundreds of chicken wings and pots of coleslaw from the supermarket.

Caroline Foskett, 31, was shopping for groceries in the Aldi branch in Dartford, Kent, on Friday, February 10, when she spotted the man "awkwardly wandering up and down the aisles" with a trolley. 

The member of staff was wearing a Domino’s coat and cap and reportedly stood waiting for Aldi staff to restock the freezer after he emptied it of chicken wings and dippers. 

Teacher Caroline, from London, claims the man already had six or seven tubs of coleslaw, eight or nine boxes of chicken strips and the same volume of chicken wings. 

The mum-of-two sent the fast food giant the image in disgust after also spotting Domino’s hit the headlines the week before after staff has been spotted bulk-buying potato wedges in Asda. 

Domino’s employee photographed buying ALDI chicken wings and coleslawMERCURY PRESS/GETTY

Domino's employee shops at Aldi: Caroline Foskett complained to the pizza delivery company

I just couldn’t believe it when I saw him with a trolley full of frozen chicken - especially after the photo of the Domino’s staff member stocking up on wedges last week.

However Domino’s say their investigations suggest the member of staff was merely conducting his personal grocery shop, as bottles of water are also clearly visible in the trolley, which they don’t sell. 

Caroline said: “No-one needs that much chicken for themselves.

“I just couldn’t believe it when I saw him with a trolley full of frozen chicken - especially after the photo of the Domino’s staff member stocking up on wedges last week. 

“I thought ‘as if they’re doing it again’. 

“We used to get pizzas on the weekend because my husband works then and we’d spend well over £20, but now I’m not so sure. 

Domino’s employee photographed buying ALDI chicken wings and coleslawGETTY

Domino's employee shops at Aldi: The employee apparently had eight or nine boxes of chicken wings

“He certainly looked a bit sheepish, like he was trying to be very discreet but if he was going to do that he could at least take off his uniform. 

“His trolley was full of chicken legs and chicken strips, as well as bottles of water - about six or seven tubs of coleslaw, which is one of the sides they sell. 

“He had about eight or nine boxes of chicken strips and a similar amount of legs.” 

Domino’s hit the headlines last week after admitting to buying cheap supermarket wedges from Asda for £1 a bag and selling them for a huge mark-up at £3.99 a portion. 

In this instance, Domino’s blamed a ‘big sporting weekend’ as the reason some stores ran out of products.

Domino’s employee photographed buying ALDI chicken wings and coleslawGETTY

Domino's employee shops at Aldi: A spokesperson has said it was a personal grocery shop

Caroline said: “I’m not going to order there again. We even used to get the potato wedges but I’m not doing that anymore. I’ll just go to the supermarket myself.

‘We do shop at Aldi ourselves and it it is good quality, but when you are paying what is technically a restaurant price, it’s not fair. 

“I just saw that man and I just thought ‘here they go again’. I’ll think twice about using Domino’s in the future.” 

A Domino’s spokesperson has responded to the complaints. 

Katie Walker-Arnott said: “Our franchisees are not authorised, under any circumstances, to buy food items from outside sources. 

“We have investigated this matter and are satisfied this is a colleague carrying out a personal grocery shop.” 

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