Four gardening tasks to do in June to keep plants ‘flowering all year long’

June is an essential month in the gardening calendar even if the season for planting is coming to an end. Now, a gardening expert has exclusively told the one task that will keep plants "flowering all year long".

By Millie Bull, Deputy Lifestyle Editor

Homebase UK provide advice on June gardening jobs

David Mitchell, buying manager for garden and seasonal at Homebase has shared the four gardening tasks gardeners need to do this month.

David said: “You’ve picked up your new barbecue, hosed down the garden furniture and you’re ready for the great British BBQ season.

“Now it’s time to get those tasks done in prep for a packed calendar of parties and relaxing Sundays in the sun.”

1. Plants

One of the tasks gardeners can do this month is neaten up their borders.

While it’s not too late to plant, June is about maintenance. Gardeners need to fill in gaps, weed borders and keep plants well-fed.

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Beautiful backyard floral garden

Four gardening tasks to do in June to keep plants ‘flowering all year long’ (Image: Getty)

David added: “Try using a liquid plant feed to keep them flowering all year long.”

2. Watering

The gardening expert suggested watering plants in the morning as it won’t scorch the plants and they will have plenty of time to dry out throughout the day.

He suggested weeding beds and borders in the evening when the ground is dry.

3. Planting crops

David said this weather is perfect for growing fruit. He said if you’re a beginner, strawberries are a great place to start.

Woman watering flowers in garden with watering can

The gardening expert suggested watering plants in the morning (Image: Getty)

He added: “Make sure you remove any flowers – meaning the plant puts all its energy into growing more delicious fruits for your Eton mess and Victoria sponges.”

4. Lawn care

June is a prime month for lawn care, especially when it comes to mowing.

Another common problem in June is a yellowing lawn. If this is a common problem, the experts suggested trying a higher blade setting on the mower.

What to sow in June

What to sow in June (Image: EXPRESS)

He explained: “Try a higher blade setting on your mower to avoid cutting the grass too low and try a liquid iron supplement to give the colour and strength a boost.

“If you have bare patches, try a lawn thickener that is packed with seeds and nutrients. Make sure to keep your new patches well-watered and aerated too.”

To keep maintenance easy all year round, gardeners need to make sure they regularly mow the lawn, even on cold crisp days. Aeration and regular watering are also essential.

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