Gardening expert Carol Klein reveals how to bring new life to the roses in your garden

AS PART of this year’s Hampton Court Palace Flower Show event Carol Klein has been unearthing the secret to growing the perfect roses in your garden.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Carol Klein unearths her rose advice

While roses can present a thorny problem to some, Carol gave a number of ways to enhance your rose patches on tonight’s episode of Hampton Court Palace Flower Shower on BBC Two. 

Looking down at an example of a traditional rose garden, Carol described the patch in front of her as having small shrubs with beautiful blooms, and perfect poise and elegance. 

But she pointed out their “bare legs”  a lot of soil in between them. 

She said: “This is the perfect way to grow them if you want that classical look, but there are other ways to grow them if you want to reflect roses sociable nature.” 

Flower BBC

Geranium nodosum

Carol said a more modern take is to combine roses with other plants. 

She said: “If you choose plants that enhance the roses then you can elevate your planting to a whole new level. And there are so many plants to choose from.” 

Planting Geranium nodosum around your roses is one option. 

She said: “Geranium nodosum will spread itself around in-between the roses, or you could go for Stachys Macrantha with its stiff solid spikes, and after the flowers have fallen, glorious ground cover from these deep dark green leaves. 

Flower BBC

Carol shows an example of a classic rose garden

“Or go down the pretty route. Choose plants that will frolic and dance amongst your roses. Pale pink Penstemon, daryl and timilie, Francoa in dainty grasses. They all enhance this beautiful, pale pink rose.”

Some roses are meant to live amongst other plants. 

According to Carol, shrub roses have a “lovely, relaxed habit”, like Rosa ‘Frilly Cuffs’  with its cerise blooms. 

Another rose well suited to mixed planting is Rosa ‘Lady of Shallot’. 


Stachys macrantha 'Robusta'

Carol said: “It’s exactly the sort of situation that roses find themselves in, in the wild, and it works so brilliantly well in a garden setting.” 

The rose of the year will be revealed in tomorrow’s (Friday) programme. 

The Hampton Court Palace Flower Show is the largest flower show in the world and is run by the Royal Horticultural Society at Hampton Court Palace in southwest London. 

This comes after Alan Titchmarsh took on his biggest challenge yet creating a garden for a girl who suffered severe burns when she was younger. 

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