Monkeypox UK outbreak: Second case confirmed - what symptoms to look out for

MONKEYPOX is a rare viral infection which can begin with a fever and headache and develop into a rash. But while most people recover within weeks, it can cause severe illness and can have deadly consequences.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Monkeypox outbreak: Doctor says there's no reason to panic

Monkeypox case number two has been confirmed in the UK, with a second individual diagnosed in England.

A patient was diagnosed with the illness last week in Cornwall and is currently receiving care at the Royal Free in London. But Public Health England (PHE) has said there no link between the two cases.

The patient in this second case is believed to have contracted the disease in Nigeria before travelling to the UK.

The second patient first presented at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and following a positive test result was transferred to Royal Liverpool University Hospital, an expert respiratory infectious disease centre, where they are now receiving appropriate care.

Monkeypox case number two has been confirmed in the UK, with a second individual diagnosed in England

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that does not spread easily between people. It is usually a mild self-limiting illness.

Dr Nick Phin, Deputy Director, National Infection Service at PHE: “We know that in September 2017 Nigeria experienced a large sustained outbreak of monkeypox and since then sporadic cases have continued to be reported.

“It is likely that monkeypox continues to circulate in Nigeria and could therefore affect travellers who are returning from this part of the world, however, it is very unusual to see two cases in such a relatively short space of time.

“We are working hard to contact individuals, including healthcare workers, that might have come into contact with the individual to provide information and health advice.”

Dr Mike Beadsworth, Clinical Director of the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit added: “We are treating a patient who has tested positive for monkeypox. The patient is being cared for on our specialist infectious and tropical diseases unit, by highly trained staff who are experienced in dealing with a variety of infectious diseases.

“All necessary precautions are being taken by specialist staff and there is currently no risk to other staff, patients or visitors.

Monkeypox OUTBREAK: Second case confirmed in UK - signs and symptoms of the deadly infection

Monkeypox outbreak: The second case has been confirmed in the UK (Image: WHO)

“We ask that people continue to use our services as normal and that people only come to our emergency department if their condition is serious and/or an emergency.”

The first monkeypox patient was staying in a naval base in Cornwall, before being taken to hospital

They are a resident of Nigeria, and it’s believed they contracted the infection before travelling to the UK.

PHE and the NHS are contacting individuals who may have been in close contact with the patient, as monkeypox can be spread by human-to-human contact.

So what are the symptoms of monkeypox you should be looking out for? 

Monkeypox OUTBREAK: Second case confirmed in UK - symptoms of the deadly infection

Monkeypox symptoms include fluid-filled blisters (Image: GETTY)

Monkeypox OUTBREAK: Second case confirmed in UK - symptoms of the deadly infection

Monkeypox has been circulating in Nigeria and therefore affect travellers returning to the UK (Image: GETTY)

Initial symptoms of the infection include fever, headache, aching muscles, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion. 

A rash can also develop, usually starting on the face before spreading to other parts of the body, such as the hands and soles of the feet.

Often the rash develops into vesicles, which are small, fluid-filled blisters. These can become crusty and tend to fall off the skin in around 10 days. 

The World Health Organization says it may take up to three weeks for the crusts to completely disappear. 

The virus is usually spread via infected animals, but the best way to avoid it is to regularly wash your hands. 

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