Breast cancer: How to self-check for symptoms - don't miss THESE areas of the body

BREAST cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, and because many breast cancers are still found by women themselves, it’s vital women self-check regularly to be familiar with their breasts. So how can you check for symptoms and signs?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Breast cancer: Eight most common signs and symptoms

Breast cancer self-checks should be carried out monthly, ideally at the end of your period when the breast is not swollen.

If you are pregnant, your periods are irregular or you no longer have periods, you can choose a specific day each month that is easy to remember.

The first symptoms of breast cancer most women notice is a lump or an area of thickened tissue in their breast.

If you notice this, you should see your GP. But how do you carry out a self-check and check for lumps?

Breast cancer self-checks should be carried out monthly, ideally at the end of your period when the breast is not swollen

The examination, which takes a couple of minutes for each breast, can be carried out lying on the back first, explains Dr Nagete Boukhezra, who is a General Practitioner at London Doctors Clinic.

He said: Your breast should lie as flat on your chest as possible. It may be easier and more comfortable if you put a pillow behind your shoulder or back.

“If you start with the right breast, put your right arm behind your head. Then, move the pads of your left fingers, keeping them flat and together, around your right breast gently in a small circle from the outside to the centre, checking the whole breast and armpit area.”

With each little circle you should change the amount of pressure form light to medium to deep to assess all levels of the breast tissue.

But Dr Boukhezra warns: “Do not forget the surrounding areas. Some areas are often overlooked like the armpits and the collar bones.

“Additionally, do not forget to check your nipples for any discharge, lumps can also hide directly beneath nipple, you must check here too.”

Breast cancer: How to self-check for symptoms - all areas of the body you must examine

Breast cancer: Women should self-check for symptoms regularly (Image: GETTY)

Once complete, you should proceed to perform the same steps on your left breast.

Another part of the examination not to neglect is the visualisation of your breasts.

Dr Boukhezra said: “Look closely at your breasts standing in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides and then with your arms up.

“Check for changes in the breasts’ appearances such as redness, swelling, dimpling of the skin and changes in the nipple.

“Repeat this exam every month to know how your breasts normally look and feel.”

Breast cancer: How to self-check for symptoms - all areas of the body you must examine

Breast cancer: If you notice symptoms you should see your GP (Image: GETTY)

Breast cancer: How to self-check for symptoms - all areas of the body you must examine

Breast cancer: The examination takes a couple of minutes for each breast (Image: GETTY)

But can you rely on breast self-exams alone to be sure you’re breast cancer free?

Mammography is only available to women over 50 on the NHS. Self-examination is often the only way women under this age detect tumours, according to Dr Boukhezra.

What should you be looking out for? What would a lump feel like, is there a particular shape/size?

Dr Boukhezra said: “It’s important to be on the lookout for breast lumps of all types. Breast lumps can be solid or soft. They can be unmovable or movable.

“They can range in size from a pea sized lump to much larger and can vary in levels of pain as well. The only way to know for sure if the lump is benign is to seek medical advice.”

What does it mean if you find a lump, are all lumps cancerous?

If you find a lump, don’t panic, as according to Dr Boukhezra eight out of 10 lumps are not cancerous.

He added: “Most lumps are benign breast conditions, which are treatable, and some will even go away on their own.”

What are the screening and test options for breast cancer available?

Having a mammogram (a breast X-ray) is an option but this does expose you to risks.

Another option which can be done frequently without the normal risks associated with a mammogram is thermography.

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