Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies to treat the itchy skin condition

BEST supplements for eczema: Dry, itchy and cracked skin are just some of the unpleasant symptoms which come with the common skin condition. While topicall creams are usually recommended as treatment, they don’t always work for everyone. Some experts say taking supplements can help soothe flare-ups.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

NHS advises the best ways to treat eczema

Supplements containing certain vitamins and minerals are growing increasingly popular with people opting for more natural remedies to heal their ailments.

From arthritis to bloating, a number of health expert are recommending supplementation as treatment for certain health conditions.

With cold and damp weather creeping in as the winter months approach, skin conditions such as eczema can be triggered.

While your GP can offer you topical creams and antihistamines to stop itching, some health experts recommend taking supplements to soothe sore skin. High street health store Holland and Barrett recommends three.

While your GP can offer you topical creams and antihistamines, some health experts recommend supplements to soothe eczema


Research has found that turmeric, an Ayurvedic (Indian medicine with historic roots) can lessen eczema symptoms.

It explains: “Several studies have shown a significant improvement in the severity of the effects of skin disease in people with turmeric.

“One 2015 study from Pakistan found that topical formulations containing turmeric eased itchiness, swelling and redness in eczema patients.

“Turmeric can be taken in powder, capsule or tablet forms and even in tea, and of course you can use turmeric as a delicious spice for your food.

“Daily doses of three to four grams have been used in eczema research studies, with positive results.”

Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies to treat the itchy skin condition

Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies are recommended to treat the condition (Image: GETTY)


People with eczema often have significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids, according to the heath store.

It adds: “Increasing omega-3 in the diet can help reduce inflammation in the body and significantly improve the symptoms of itchy skin.”

Vitamin E

As well as helping protect cells against free radicals, the vitamin contribute to a healthy immune system.

It says: “In a study of schoolchildren, those with the highest level of vitamin E-related compounds in their blood experienced 67 per cent less risk of eczema and asthma than children with the lowest levels.”

Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies to treat the itchy skin condition

Best supplements for eczema: The skin condition causes dry, itchy and/or cracked skin (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for eczema: Three natural remedies to treat the itchy skin condition

Best supplements for eczema: Omega-3 can help reduce inflammation in the body (Image: GETTY)

When it comes to eczema, different treatments work for different sufferers.

For one toddler, who experienced an unbearable bout of eczema, waking up every night scratching herself, a £4 cream her mum found in a high street store, relieved her painful skin.

Appearing on This Morning, last month, Paige Sweeney told how she spent years trying to find a cure for her caught, Evie-Rae’s eczema.

She said: “She was constantly scratching and had to wear scratch mitts. She looked like a mummy because I had to wrap bandages round her.”

Doctors gave Evie-Rae steroid cream, and Paige tried a range of normal moisturises. But while these treatments initially worked, the eczema would then come back again.

But one day, walking through Boots, Paige found Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser, which was priced at £3.99

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