Best supplements for eyes: This vitamin is vital for maintaining healthy sight

BEST supplements for eyes: Eye health is best maintained by having regular tests. But one of the recommended ways to keep your eyesight healthy is through diet. The eyes require a certain vitamin, according to experts.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Why Vitamin E is Good For You

Eyes are extremely important to consider, as not looking after them well can result in loss of sight. it’s important to have regular eye tests because the eyes often don’t hurt when there’a a problem. A variety of vitamin and minerals are vital for healthy function of the body. When it comes to the eyes, vitamin E is key.

Vitamin E is important for strong immune function and helps maintain skin and eyes

Vitamin E is important for strong immune function and helps maintain skin and eyes, according to Holland and Barrett.

A seven-year-long study, looking at 3,640 people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) showed taking 400 IU of vitamin E, alongside several other nutrients in a daily supplements called AREDS, reduced the risk of progressing to advanced stages by 25 percent.

Other studies have suggests diets high in vitamin E can help prevent age-related cataracts.

Good sources of vitamin E, according to the NHS, include:

  • Plant oils - such as soya, corn and olive oil
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Wheatgerm - found in cereals and cereal products

Best supplements for eyes: This vitamin is vital for maintaining healthy sight

Best supplements for eyes: Certain vitamins are vital for maintaining healthy sight (Image: GETTY)

It’s recommended men get 4mg of vitamin E a day and women get 3mg a day.

You should be able to get enough from your diet, as vitamin E is stored in your body.

Vitamin E is available in supplement form, but the Department of Health and Social Care advises if you take vitamin E supplements, to not take too much as this could be harmful.

Taking 540mg or less day of vitamin E supplements is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin D and zinc are other vitamins and minerals considered vital for eye health.

Best supplements for eyes: This vitamin is vital for maintaining healthy sight

Best supplements for eyes: Regular eye tests are important before considering your diet (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for eyes: This vitamin is vital for maintaining healthy sight

Best supplements for eyes: Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which is good for sight (Image: GETTY)

Vitamin D

Ensuring you’re getting enough vitamin D is crucial for keeping your peepers goggle free, according to Rebecca Rychlik-Cunning, nutritionist for Water for Health.

She said: “It can help to reduce painful dry eye symptoms, and some research has demonstrated the ability of vitamin D to help improve vision and reduce inflammation of the retina.

“Many of us don’t get enough vitamin D, particularly in the winter, so it’s vital to supplement with a good quality vitamin D3 once summer is over. Public Health England recommends adults and children over the age of one take a daily 10mcg dose of vitamin D.

“If you have any chronic health conditions that require medication, please speak to your doctor before changing your diet or taking supplements.”


Zinc is crucial for preventing macular degeneration. It also helps to convert vitamin A from retinol to retinal, protecting against night blindness, plus it’s super essential for nutrient absorption and waste removal, helping to keep inflammation and cellular damage at bay.

Rebecca added: “Our bodies don’t store zinc, so we need to ensure a regular intake to keep stocked up. Supplementing can be an effective way to do this, but don’t exceed the RNI of 9.5mg a day for adult males and 7mg a day for adult females as it can have adverse effects.”

Omega-3 and lutein also hold benefits for the eyes

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