Pollen count: High counts forecast today - eat this food to keep hay fever symptoms at bay

POLLEN counts across the UK are forecast to be high today and this could trigger symptoms in hay fever sufferers. To reduce symptoms, some experts have suggested eating a certain food.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning: Dr Chris on how to control hay fever symptoms

The pollen count is forecast to be high across almost all parts of the UK today. The only places whee the pollen count won’t be high are Central Scotland, Tayside, Fife, Grampian and Orkney. High pollen counts can wreak havoc for hay fever sufferers. So what can you do to keep symptoms at bay?

Ginger has been proven to contain anti oxidative, anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds, which my prove useful for combating seasonal allergies

According to some experts, diet can have impact, and certain foods can help reduce allergy symptoms.

Many unpleasant allergy symptoms come from inflammatory issues, such as welling and irritation in the nose, eyes and throats.

Researchers have found ginger can help reduce these symptoms.

Ginger has been proven to contain anti oxidative, anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds, which my prove useful for combating seasonal allergies. 

A 2016 animal study found ginger suppressed the production of pro-inflammatory proteins in the blood of mice, which then let to a reduction in allergy symptoms. 

Ginger can be taken raw, as a tea or as a supplement.

Pollen count: High counts forecast today - eat this food to keep hay fever symptoms at bay

Pollen count: Eating a certain food could help keep hay fever symptoms at bay (Image: GETTY)

There is no reference nutrient intake for ginger, but experts say you shouldn’t consume more than 3-4g of ginger a day, including food and supplements.

Quercetin, another supplement, has also been found to be a natural antihistimatine

According to a 2016 study published in Molecules, quercetin stimulates the immune system and restricts the release of histamine in the body. 

This relieves allergy symptoms in conditions like hay fever.

Holland & Barrett explains what quercetin is: “Quercetin is a flavonoid, a natural chemical found in plants that has been shown to have aside number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, receiving allergy symptoms and preventing infection.”

Pollen count: High counts forecast today - eat this food to keep hay fever symptoms at bay

Pollen count: Ginger could reduce unpleasant allergy symptoms (Image: GETTY)

Pollen count: High counts forecast today - eat this food to keep hay fever symptoms at bay

Pollen count: Quercetin supplements could also help hay fever symptoms (Image: GETTY)

It adds: “Quercetin is available as a stand-alone supplement, in some multivitamin complexes or in combination with other nutrients, for example vitamin C, which has been shown to improve the gut’s absorption of quercetin.”

Quercetin can also be found in a number of foods, including:

  • Onions
  • Citrus fruits
  • Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli
  • Seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Re grapes
  • Berries

If you do take a supplement, the high street health store advises doses of 500 to 1000mg are considered safe.

It warns: “Don’t take quercetin if you are pregnant or breast-feeding as there isn’t enough evidence to show it’s safe.

“Quercetin can interact with certain medications, so speak to your GP before taking quercetin supplements.”

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