Ingrown hair removal: Should you pull out ingrown hairs? How to handle problem hairs

INGROWN hairs occur when hair grows back into the skin and causes red and itchy bumps. What can you do to get rid of them? Contrary to popular belief, one expert says you shouldn't pull them out.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Ingrown hairs appear as raised, red, itchy spots on the skin. Often you can see the hair trapped under the skin. People with coarse or curly hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs, and they usually appear in areas you shave, such as the face and neck, legs, armpits, chest and pubic hair.

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is by not shaving.

But for those who have had no other option during lockdown, what can you do to get rid of ingrown hairs when they occur?

“You shouldn’t yank out any ingrown hairs,” warns aesthetician Christina Smith.

She told the Cleveland Clinic: “If there’s pus, that means there’s a slight infection.

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Ingrown hair removal: Should you pull out ingrown hairs? How to handle problem hairs

Ingrown hair removal: Christina Smith recommends not pulling out ingrown hairs (Image: GETTY)

“So keep the area clean and dry and avoid shaving there until it clears up.

“If, however, you have ingrown hair that recurs frequently, creates hyperpigmentation (particularly on the face), or feels like a deeper or worsening sore, consult with a skincare professional for treatment options.”

Senior Consultant at Pulse Light Clinic Lucy Dawe, said: “The solution to this is to kill the hair at the root with laser hair removal. This will slowly reduce the number of hairs and therefore the amount of ingrown from forming, between sessions the laser damages the hair roots so that the growth slows down and typically gets finer, thus less likely to encourage ingrown hairs!”

Laser hair removal uses laser light pulse to destroy hair follicles by targeting the melanin (colour) in them. The pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the laser’s light, which damages the follicle enough to significantly retard hair regrowth. The laser delivers an intense beam of light, which is absorbed by the hair follicle whilst the surrounding tissue remains unaffected.

The NHS says you can ask a pharmacist about creams and lotions to help itching and having and hair removal products to help prevent irritation.

A pharmacist may also be able to offer exfoliating products to help prevent ingrown hairs, or a mild antiseptic to help prevent infection.


If the ingrown hair or area around it is very painful, hot, red or swollen, or your temperature is very high, or you feel hot, shivery or very unwell, see a GP.

A GP may be able to treat ingrown hairs by freeing the hair using a sterile needle or blade, or prescribing a steroid cream to help swelling and irritation.

They may also be able to prescribe antibiotic cream or tablets to treat an infection.

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs may be not shaving, but there are additional things you can do that may help.

Ingrown hair removal: Should you pull out ingrown hairs? How to handle problem hairs

Ingrown hair removal: Pus could be a sign your ingrown hair is infected (Image: GETTY)

Wetting your skin with warm water and using shaving gel may help, according to the NHS, as well as shaving in the direction the hairs are growing.

Using an exfoliating scrub to help release any trapped hairs is also recommended, and holding a cool, wet cloth to the skin after shaving to reduce irritation.

If you find ingrown hairs appear after shaving, you may want to try a different hair removal method, such as hair removal cream.

A long-term way of removing hair to consider is laser treatment.

Ingrown hair removal: Should you pull out ingrown hairs? How to handle problem hairs

Ingrown hair removal: Avoid using a blunt razor to prevent ingrown hairs (Image: GETTY)

Avoid shaving too close as leaving some stubble can stop bacteria getting in.

Also avoid using a blunt razor - you should use a new, sharp, single-blade razor every time.

And don’t scratch, pick or squeeze ingrown hairs as they can damage skin and lead to an infection.

You may see pus in the spots if you have an infected ingrown hair and they can be painful.

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