Lung cancer: Coughing up blood is a ‘red flag’ symptom of cancer to watch out for

THE MOST crucial aspect of any cancer diagnosis is early detection. Lung cancer is no different as spotting the condition early offers a "greater" chance of survival. Here are the symptoms to help you recognise it, including hemoptysis.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Lung cancer: Dr Amir describes the symptoms

Characterised by a lack of warning signs, lung cancer begins in the spongy organs located on both sides of your chest. A leading UK medical negligence firm has shared “the red flag symptoms” of lung cancer as well as what your doctor should do during a check-up.

Your lungs are two air-filled organs that take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Cancer of this organ is considered to be the third “most common” cancer diagnosis in the UK, representing 13 percent of all new cancer cases, according to Cancer Research UK.

Medical Negligence solicitor Kim Jackson, from Patient Claim Line, said: “More than half of people diagnosed with lung cancer will die within one year of diagnosis, even with treatment.

“Obviously, the sooner lung cancer is detected, the greater chance you have of survival.

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Lung cancer: Symptoms include hemoptysis known as coughing up blood.

Lung cancer: Symptoms include hemoptysis known as coughing up blood. (Image: GETTY)

“However, it all depends on the staging of the lung cancer and the health of the person overall.”

Jackson has shared the warning signs that could be pointing to the condition, such as hemoptysis.

According to the Mayo Clinic, hemoptysis describes coughing up blood from a certain part of your lungs.

The tricky part is that blood that is coming from elsewhere might appear to originate from the lungs as well.


So, it’s important that your doctor helps to determine the correct site of the bleeding, the health portal explains.

Coughing up blood is considered to be one of the “main symptoms” of lung cancer, the NHS states.

Describing other warning signs, Jackson continued: “Red flag symptoms include a persistent cough that can deteriorate, coughing up blood and chest pain that is worse with deep breathing, coughing or laughing.

“A loss of appetite, weight loss that cannot be explained and fatigue are also key signs of lung cancer.

 “Red flag symptoms include a persistent cough that can deteriorate and coughing up blood.

“Red flag symptoms include a persistent cough that can deteriorate and coughing up blood. (Image: GETTY)

“Watch out for hoarseness, breathlessness, a new onset of wheezing and infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that are persistent.”

When it comes to a cough, the NHS adds that lung cancer cough doesn’t go away after two or three weeks.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your GP, the health service advises.

Once you visit your doctor, Jackson explained what should happen during the check-up.

Cancer signs and symptoms.

Cancer signs and symptoms. (Image: )

She said: “A GP should examine you and ask you to breathe into a device called a spirometer, which measures how much air you breathe in and out.

“A blood test might be requested to rule out some of the possible causes of your symptoms.

“The main test to diagnose lung cancer is a chest X-ray. A CT scan will also be advised as well as a PET-CT scan.”

If you or someone you love has experienced a delayed lung cancer diagnosis or a doctor has missed the symptoms of lung cancer, then Patient Claim Line can help. Speak to a member of the legal team for free on 0330 107 5311 or visit the website.

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