Covid jab for children: Expert explains how to ‘take anxiety’ out of the appointment

AS THE NHS is currently focusing on the next phase of a Covid vaccine roll-out, which is targeting ages five to 11, an expert shares how to make the appointment less stressful. From opening up the conversation to doing a practice run, there are little things that could help take the anxiety out of the big day.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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The NHS extended coronavirus jab invitation to children between the ages of five and 11. Getting your arm jabbed can be a stressful experience at any age so Pharmacy2U provided tips to ease the pressure for your little ones.

Phil Day, Superintendent Pharmacist at Pharmacy2U, offered some advice to ease the vaccination process for youngsters.

His tips include: 

  • Opening up the conversation
  • Doing a practice run
  • Bringing distractions
  • Praising and rewarding.

Opening up the conversation

Knowing what to expect can help. If your child has any questions about the upcoming day, answering them could bring some relief.

Mr Day said: “Explain to your child what the vaccine is and why getting it is so important. 

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Covid jab for children: Expert explains that practice run could lessen anxiety.

Covid jab for children: Expert explains that a practice run could lessen anxiety. (Image: GETTY)

“Understanding their feelings and addressing their questions will help you and your child have a better, calmer experience on the day.”

Doing a practice run

Although talking about the jab itself can help take some stress out of it, doing a rehearsal could take it even a step further.

The pharmacist explained: “You might feel a bit silly to do but have a pretend run through of the vaccination, perhaps even with a toy syringe on a soft toy.

“It can help your child understand the process and what to expect. 

“Talking about the plan for the day, such as where you will go for the jab and at what time, and what you will do afterwards, can help to take any anxiety out of the situation.”


Bringing distractions

As tension can run especially high on the very day, bringing a little something that your child enjoys could help.

Mr Day said: “Doing something fun such as reading books, playing with toys, or watching YouTube videos can take your child’s mind off the vaccination. 

“You may also plan to do something fun after the appointment like going to the park or the library which can be something to look forward to.”

Praising and rewarding

Once your child gets through the Covid immunisation, the expert shared it could be helpful to notice their “bravery”.

The NHS explains there should be an interval of 12 weeks between the first and the second jab.

The NHS explains there should be an interval of 12 weeks between the first and the second jab. (Image: GETTY)

“When it's all done and dusted, don’t forget to praise your child and compliment them on their bravery,” he added.

What coronavirus vaccine will my child get?

Based on the advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), all children should be offered two 10-microgram doses of Pfizer.

These jabs will be administered at a lower dose which should be a third of the strength given to those over the age of 12.

The NHS explains there should be an interval of 12 weeks between the first and the second jab.

There’s no need to contact the health service yourself.

There’s no need to contact the health service yourself. (Image: )

However, children who are at an increased risk of Covid could be given their second shot in eight weeks’ time instead.

How will I know it’s my child’s turn to get their jab?

The NHS will invite you to book a slot for your little ones once it’s their turn.

There’s no need to contact the health service yourself.

As Pharmacy2U also offers vaccination services, you are able to book an appointment with them as well.

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