Statins: Three mood 'altering' side effects that can 'arise' on statins - what to look for

AS high cholesterol can raise your risk of heart diseases and strokes, intervention in the form of lifestyle changes or medication is non-negotiable. However, the cholesterol-lowering medicine called statins is also linked to possible side effects just like any medication. One study warns that not only your body can ring the alarm bells but also your mood.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Statins: How the drug prevents heart attacks and strokes

Experts are paying more attention to drug-induced behavioural and mood changes in recent years, according to the study, published in the journal Drug Safety - Case Reports. Emerging evidence suggests that side effects like these could also “arise” on statins.

Moods and emotions are complex and ever-changing. From smaller inconveniencies to tragic news, different triggers could change how you feel.

However, certain patients on statins have complained about mood changes that started during their treatment.

The research explains: "Psychiatric adverse effects, altering mood, personality, and behaviour, sometimes arise in patients receiving statins.

"Statin psychiatric effects can include irritability/aggression, anxiety or depressed mood." 

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Statins: Side effects include irritability, aggression, anxiety and depressed mood.

Statins: Side effects include irritability, aggression, anxiety and depressed mood. (Image: GETTY)

While it’s normal to feel any of these things, the study participants noticed them while receiving the medication.

Looking at 12 subjects and their family members, the study identified various mood changes when taking the cholesterol-lowering medicine.

Through a survey, the participants reported feelings, ranging from aggression to anxiety.

For example, one woman in her 50s on the medication experienced muscle problems shortly followed by changes in mood after starting her treatment.

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She felt like she wanted to leave her husband, despite having a “happy” marriage for over 20 years.

This woman also felt “joyless” and like there was a “veil” between her and others.

She wasn’t able to be “happy” at her daughter’s wedding and desired to be isolated.

After three months of taking statins and “adverse” mood/personality change, she quit the medicine.

Fortunately, her mood improved after one month of discontinuation and she made a full recovery within three months.

 Another larger-scale study reports “no clear associations”.

Another larger-scale study reports “no clear associations”. (Image: GETTY)

The study concludes: “Though statins are widely tolerated, they may be among the growing list of prescription agents that, in some participants, may increase the risk of serious psychiatric events and/or behavioural changes.

“In the cases cited here, these adverse experiences posed risks to the safety of self and others—sometimes, tragically, adversely affecting marriages and careers, or culminating in death.”

However, this study was conducted only on a few subjects as it looked at 12 people.

Another larger-scale study, published in the journal the Lancet, reports “no clear associations” between statin treatment and suicidal behaviour or deaths from suicide and depressive and anxiety disorders.

Statins explained.

Statins explained. (Image:

They explained that out of 1 149 384 individuals, suicide outcomes were found in 6,372 people, depressive disorders were found in 23,745 and anxiety disorders in 30,100. 

The NHS explains that statins can trigger side effects in some cases just “like all medicines”.

However, most people tolerate the cholesterol-lowering drug well without having any symptoms.

“You should discuss the benefits and risks of taking statins with your doctor before you start taking the medicine,” the health service notes.

If you’re struggling with your mental health and need to talk to someone, you can contact Samaritans 24 hours a day on 116 123 (free from any phone) or email

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