Nutrition coach recommends four 'hydrating' foods to keep your cholesterol in check

Keeping your body hydrated with food could also help lower your cholesterol levels, according to an expert.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

High cholesterol: Nutritionist reveals top prevention tips

High cholesterol is a precursor to serious health problems, ranging from heart disease to strokes. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep your reading in check.

While a healthy diet is a great way for taming the waxy substance, hot summer temperatures often see people less hungry because of the body’s focus on keeping cool.

Fortunately, there are some light foods that could not only keep your cholesterol in check but also keep you hydrated, according to nutrition coach Lisa Marley.


Containing 92 percent of water, watermelon is synonymous with summer for a reason.

Marley said: “A 160g serving contains over 120ml of water, so you should aim to eat that amount a day.”

Nutrition coach recommends four hydrating foods to lower cholesterol.

Nutrition coach recommends four hydrating foods to lower cholesterol. (Image: GETTY)

The easy-to-eat snack also contains an antioxidant called lycopene, which has been previously linked to lower levels of total and “bad” cholesterol


Another “hydrating” staple is cucumber and its 95 percent water content that can not only replenish your body but also your skin.

“Cucumbers are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that help remove waste from the body and reduce skin irritation,” the nutrition coach said.

Apart from being rich in water, soya yoghurt is very low in saturated fat.

Apart from being rich in water, soya yoghurt is very low in saturated fat. (Image: GETTY)

The juicy vegetable also contains a type of soluble fibre, known as pectin, which can help decrease your cholesterol levels.

Red bell peppers

Packed with water, fibre, vitamins and minerals, red peppers are thought to be the most nutritious because they've been on the vine the longest. 

Marley added: “They are also a good source of cholesterol-lowering soluble fibre. For the full benefits, it’s best to eat one large red bell pepper a day."

Cholesterol-lowering diet focuses on cutting back on saturated fat.

Cholesterol-lowering diet focuses on cutting back on saturated fat. (Image:

Soya yoghurt

Yoghurt isn’t only extremely hydrating but it also goes well with other water-packed staples, including veggies and fruits.

Apart from being rich in water, soya yoghurt is very low in saturated fat which spells good news for cholesterol.

The nutrition coach added: “Reducing consumption of saturated fat, as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle, helps maintain normal cholesterol levels.”


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