Professor shares eight 'most prevalent' Covid symptoms of current variants

A public health expert has detailed the current Covid symptoms to be aware of as Eris and Pirola are driving up cases around the UK.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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Two new strains of coronavirus have sparked concern with scientists around the world due to their high number of mutations in the spike protein.

Gaining dominance in the UK, Eris, also known as EG.5.1, has an additional mutation (F456L) in the spike protein.

The other Omicron spin-off BA.2.86, dubbed Pirola, carries an extra 30 mutations compared to other previous dominant variants.

The latest government data suggests that Eris was responsible for the majority of cases in the country in September, while Pirola has caused only 37 cases so far, including an outbreak that infected almost every resident and member of staff at a care home in Norfolk.

Fortunately, a professor shared with the “most prevalent” symptoms of these latest variants to spot.

Professor shares eight 'most prevalent' Covid symptoms of current variants.

Professor shares eight 'most prevalent' Covid symptoms of current variants. (Image: GETTY)

Dr Chris Papadopoulos, Principal Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Bedfordshire, explained that the severity of symptoms can vary depending on multiple factors, including your vaccination status.

Furthermore, your immune response and previous exposure to the virus could also dictate the severity of the symptoms you’ll experience.

However, the professor recommended looking out for the following key Covid signs:

  • Sore throat
  • High temperature
  • Runny nose or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Cough (with or without phlegm)
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue. 

Cough (with or without phlegm) is one of the prevalent Covid signs now.

Cough (with or without phlegm) is one of the prevalent Covid signs now. (Image: GETTY)

Dr Papadopoulos added that you might also experience symptoms, including loss of taste or smell, nausea and vomiting, as reports of these signs are circulating.

He added: “It’s also worth noting that symptoms of Covid and seasonal allergies can overlap, making diagnosis challenging without testing. 

“Therefore, vigilance and testing remain crucial for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.”

In a previous interview with, the expert called for the return of free Covid lateral flow tests.

The professor explained that the quick turnaround of results allows for the “immediate identification and isolation of potential cases”, which could help prevent a “twindemic” of flu and COVID-19.

He said: “If case rates and hospitalisations continue to increase in the weeks ahead, the government should start thinking about providing the public free lateral flow tests again since testing is a powerful tool in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

“Given that the U.S. has recently resumed offering free lateral flow tests to its citizens, it would be wise for the UK to consider doing the same, especially in light of rising case numbers.”

Dr Papadopoulos added that testing remains the most accurate way of confirming an infection with Pirola or Eris or any other Covid strain.

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