Should you have lemon and ginger tea before bed? Sleep expert offers advice

Consider any dietary restrictions or allergies you may have before drinking lemon and ginger before bed, said the sleep expert.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Woman drinking hot tea before bed

A lemon and ginger tea before bed could offer a host of health benefits (Image: GETTY)

A hot drink before bed plays an important part in many people's sleep routine.

With lemon and ginger tea being a popular choice, sleep Hafiz Shariff advised whether there are any benefits to drinking it at nighttime.

He said: "Having lemon and ginger tea before bed can be a soothing and healthy choice with a range of potential benefits. For example, it promotes relaxation.

"Lemon and ginger both possess calming properties that have been shown to help people unwind and relax before sleep. The calmer you are at bedtime, the easier it will be to drift off to sleep."

Hafiz, who is also founder of Owl + Lark, added it can aid digestion and boost immunity.

Sliced lemon

The citric acid in lemon has proven to be a digestive aid (Image: GETTY)

He said: "Not only does the citric acid in lemon boost gastric acid secretion and aid digestion, ginger has also acts as a beneficial digestive aid.

"This can be especially helpful if you've had a heavy dinner in the afternoon or evening. Ginger may help prevent indigestion or bloating, helping you sleep better.

"And lemon is a good source of vitamin C, which is important for supporting your immune system. Add in ginger, which also has immune-boosting properties, and you have yourself a fantastic little health boost."

Fresh ginger and lemon

Using fresh ginger and lemon will offer the most benefits (Image: GETTY)

A lemon and ginger tea can also provide hydration. Hafiz said: "Staying hydrated is essential, especially before bed. Remember, you will not be drinking anything all night, so hydrating yourself is always a good idea before bedtime.

"A warm cup of lemon and ginger tea can help maintain adequate hydration levels for those hours without any beverage."

And it could also help manage weight. Hafiz said: "Some experts believe that the combination of lemon and ginger can support weight management efforts. Whilst more studies are required for definitive proof, there is evidence that this may hold some truth."

Hafiz recommended using fresh lemon and ginger to enjoy the most benefits. The reason being because the freshest ingredients typically contain the highest concentration of active compounds and are less likely to have added preservatives or artificial flavours.

But he added: "Dried or powdered forms can also offer some advantages, particularly when you have no access to fresh ingredients. Just make sure you adjust the ingredients to your taste preferences and consider any dietary restrictions or allergies you may have before drinking lemon and ginger before bed."

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