Dementia symptoms checklist for people worried about possible signs of the disease

The checklist contains 20 questions about possible symptoms or behaviours relating to dementia.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Older man looking confused

The checklist is not a diagnosis but may help you discuss your concerns with a GP (Image: GETTY)

Research shows there are more than 944,000 people in the UK who have dementia, with one in 11 people over the age of 65 with the condition. This number is expected to rise sharply in the coming years with people living longer.

Dementia is not a specific disease but a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.

The symptoms of dementia usually become worse over time, so may not be obvious in the early stages. But the Alzheimer’s Society has a checklist for people if they want to check possible symptoms of dementia.

It says: “You will need to think about the symptoms, how long they have been happening and how much they are affecting daily life.”

The charity adds: “This is not a diagnosis but may help you discuss your concerns with a GP.”

Recognising the early signs of dementia is important in order to get a timely and accurate diagnosis. It can also help with getting the right treatment and care.

Checklist of symptoms

  • Memory loss - difficulty learning new information or forgetting recent events or people’s names
  • Struggling to find the right words
  • Difficulty judging distances or mistaking reflections or patterns for other objects
  • Struggling to make decisions, or making careless or risky decisions
  • Losing track of time and dates
  • Asking the same question over again or repeating phrases
  • Putting objects in unusual places
  • Struggling with tasks like paying bills, planning ahead, shopping
  • Difficulty getting enough sleep
  • Getting lost in familiar places
  • Becoming easily upset, irritable, or aggressive
  • Symptoms of depression, like feeling sad or hopeless
  • Symptoms of anxiety, like feeling very worried or uneasy
  • Withdrawal or losing interest in things I previously enjoyed
  • Acting inappropriately or out of character
  • Feeling restless and walking about

After completing the symptoms questionnaire you will get a document to either download or have emailed to you.

The charity hopes the information will provide you with the support about your symptoms when you meet with your GP.

It also stresses any data entered in the checklist is not saved by the charity or any third party.

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