Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin

CANCER symptoms can often be mistaken with signs of other health conditions - if left undiagnosed and untreated, the disease can have serious consequences. Research in the past has suggested a number of ways cancer can be prevented, and now a new study says increasing your intake of a particular vitamin can slash your cancer risk.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes expert explains the importance of vitamin D

Cancer could be prevented by spending more time in the sun and increasing vitamin D levels, according to the study.

Scientists found adults with the highest levels of what is nicknamed the ‘sunshine vitamin’ saw their chances of liver cancer drop by 55 per cent.

For those with prostate cancer the fall was 36 per cent and for breast cancer 22 per cent.

Too much sun exposure has been linked to skin cancer in the past, but this new research suggests being too sun safe has its own risks.

Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin GETTY

Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin

Cancer could be prevented by spending more time in the sun and increasing vitamin D levels

So how much sun do you need for vitamin D to have its preventative effects?

Experts say 15 minutes of sunshine a day is what you need to top up your vitamin D levels.

But medical professionals say the best way to get vitamin D, particularly in the winter months when there’s less sunlight, is to take vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D can also be found in a variety of different foods, including fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel and salmon, orange juice, soy milk and cereals, cheese and egg yolks.

Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin GETTY

Cancer could be prevented by spending more time in the sun

Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin GETTY

Cancer symptoms: Spending more time in the sun can increase your vitamin D intake

The study, carried out in Japan and published in the journal BMJ, followed 34,000 adults for 16 years.

The researchers concluded: “Higher vitamin D concentration was associated with lower risk of total cancer.

“These findings support the hypothesis that vitamin D has protective effects against cancers at many sites.”

Vitamin D plays an important part in the function of the body, regulating the amount of calcium your body needs to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

But what are the signs of a vitamin D deficiency?

Naturopathic Nutritionist Amy Morris, from Water for Health, recently revealed the tell-tale signs you’re not getting enough.

Cancer risk can be slashed in half by increasing your intake of this vitamin GETTY

Cancer symptoms: During winter you can increase your vitamin D intake by taking supplements

Hair Loss

Hair loss is often attributed to stress, according to Amy, which is the most common cause. But when hair loss is severe, it is recommended to look at whether it is the result of a nutrient deficiency. Vitamin D, in particular, is understood to be one of the most important nutrients required for the body to function.

Amy said: “The negative impact of a vitamin D deficiency on the body can lead to conditions that cause hair loss, and there is evidence to suggest that vitamin D is directly involved in supporting the process of hair growth and hair follicle health.”

Unexplained Fatigue

Feeling tired often has many causes, but vitamin D is commonly overlooked as one of them.

Amy said: “Individuals diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency are known to complain of low energy and muscle fatigue, with long-term vitamin D supplementation being shown to improve these symptoms.”

Excessive sweating, weak bones, being prone to colds and feeling blue can also be signs of a vitamin D deficiency

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