Best supplements for muscle gain: Add this to your workout to build strength and endurance

SUPPLEMENTS for muscle gain have been shown to boost workout performance and help towards body transformation goals, but which are some of the best? Vitamin and mineral based supplements, zinc and protein supplements can all assist you in your journey to reach peak fitness, according to one health shop.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Should we take protein supplements?

Taking supplements can provide additional nutrients when your diet is lacking.

During the winter, vitamin D supplements can help you avoid a deficiency and magnesium supplements can help activate the vitamin D in your body.

Many fitness fans look for help from supplements to help reach their workout goals.

Health shop Holland & Barrett recommend three of the best to add to your gym routine.

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Best supplements for muscle gain: Try adding these three to your workout routine

Taking supplements can provide additional nutrients when your diet is lacking

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Many muscle building supplements are formulated to work as hard as you do.

Precision Engineered Muscle & Size Gainer is just one of these. It utilises two quality carbohydrate sources and three protein sources (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate & casein).

It contains high quality milk and egg protein and is nutritionally balanced with nine essential vitamins, six essential minerals and 1 amino acids.

The free and peptide bonded amino acids in this formula work synergistically with the branched chain aminos for maximum protein absorption and usage.

This combination of fast & slow absorbing proteins helps provide your body with a staggered supply of amino acids.

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Best supplements for muscle gain: Vitamin and minerals offer your body essential amino acids


Zinc plays a role in growth, building and repair of muscle tissue, muscle strength and endurance.

Beth Morris Clinical Nutritionist at BioCare recommends L Glutamine Powder.

She said: “It is a natural amino acid which helps to retain more water in the muscle which is necessary for growth, repair and muscle building after exercise.

“This powder can be added to a protein shake after exercise.”

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Best supplements for muscle gain: Zinc plays a role in growth, building and repair


Protein shakes can help develop lean muscle mass, encourage fart loss, increase satiety, deliver essential nutrients and even improve metabolic activity.

Precision Engineered Muscle & Size Gainer is designed to aid muscle mass gains.

It combines three protein sources in the form of Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Concentrate & Casein.

This combination of fast and slow absorbing proteins helps provide your body with a staggered supply of amino acids.

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