Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Take this supplement to help control blood sugar levels

DIABETES type 2 symptoms can include unexplained weightless, fatigue and blurred vision. These can also be signs of less serious health problems, which is why the condition can be difficult to detect. But if diabetes is left untreated it can lead to a number of health complications. A balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to treat it, but some health experts also recommend taking supplements.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes: The difference between Type 1 and Type 2

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can also include increased thirst, increased hunger, a dry mouth, frequent urination and headaches.

But these are not always associated with diabetes, and the longer you have diabetes, and the less controlled your blood sugar, the higher the risk of disabling and life-threatening complications.

Diabetes UK says the key to managing and preventing diabetes is a balanced diet.

But, like with a variety of health conditions, some health experts believe supplements can help control blood sugar levels.

Nutritional therapist Dr Sarah Brewer says aloe vera supplements could improve glucose control in people with diabetes type 2.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can also include increased thirst, increased hunger, a dry mouth, frequent urination and headaches

On her site she added that it may also contain a blood glucose lowering agent whose identity and mode of action is currently uncertain.

But she advises: “If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor before taking any supplement, monitor your blood glucose levels closely, and ensure you know how to adjust your diet and/or medication if glucose control changes.”

What you eat for breakfast can impact your blood sugar levels, and experts at Healthline say opting for cereal in the morning could spell bad news.

The site states: “Eating cereal is one of the worst ways to start your day if you have diabetes.

“Despite the health claims on their boxes, most cereals are highly processed an contain far more carbs than man people realise.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Take this supplement to help control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Take this supplement to help control blood sugar levels

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Take this supplement to help control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can include increased thirst and hunger

“In addition, they provide very little protein, a nutrient that can help you feel full and satisfied while keeping your blood sugar levels stable during the day.”

And even ‘healthy’ breakfast cereals are not always good choices for those with diabetes.

It adds: “Just a half-cup serving (55g) of granola cereal contains 30 grams of digestible carbs.”

To keep blood sugar and hunger under control, it advices you should skip cereal and choose a protein-based low-carb breakfast instead.

Bupa says eating carbohydrates can make your blood sugar shoot up, so counting and using a glycemic index can be useful.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Take this supplement to help control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Some health experts recommend aloe vera supplements

Matthew Freeby, MD, director of the Gonda Diabetes Center at UCLA Health, says another popular breakfast item that falls into the carbohydrate category should be avoided all together.

Speaking to Prevention, Mr Freeby said popular breakfast item, the bagel, should be crossed off the menu.

He explained: “Many of my patients with diabetes think about sugar as being the worst thing that’s impacting their blood sugar, but it’s really about carbohydrates.

“I tell them to look at nutrition labels for the total carbohydrate content, not just the sugar content.

“Donuts and bagels made with refined and processed grains are major sources of blood-sugar-spiking carbs.”

You should also avoid having this meal for dinner to control your blood sugar levels

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