Low libido: A glass of this alcoholic drink could help boost your sex drive

LOW libido is another term for low sex drive and is a common problem that can affect both men and women. Your GP can best advise on the best form of treatment, depending on the course, but studies have suggested a certain alcoholic drink can help get you in the mood.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Causes and treatments revealed for low libido

Low libido can be caused by many things including relationships, stress, tiredness or even an underlying medical problem. There’s no such thing as ‘normal’ libido so it’s important to know everybody’s sex drive is different. If your low libido persists you should visit your GP. But research has shown a particular tipple can help boost your sex drive.

Red wine can increase the amount of sex hormone testosterone in men by blocking its excretion in urine

While many associate champagne as the perfect arousal drink, Holland & Barrett cites red wine as being the libido-boosting beverage of choice.

It says: “Forget the bubbles. A study published in Nutrition Journal in 2012 found that red wine can increase the amount of sex hormone testosterone in men by blocking its excretion in urine.

“Another study found moderate intake of one or two glasses of red wine a day improved both desire and lubrication in women.”

But if you’re going to enjoy a glass of red, be aware of how much you’re drinking.

Men and women are advised by the NHS not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.

Drinking should also be spread out over three or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week.

Low libido: A glass of this alcoholic drink could help boost your sex drive

Low libido: A glass of a particular alcoholic drink could help boost your sex drive (Image: GETTY)

When it comes to sex drive-boosting foods however, the high street health shop says chocolate’s libido-lifting reputation is actually a myth.

It explains: “A study of 163 women published in 2006 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who are chocolate every day reported higher levels of desire.

“But the researchers also noted that these women were younger than the non-chocolate-eaters, and when the results were adjusted for the effects of age on sex drive, they found no difference between the two groups.

“However, another study, by researchers at the University of Guelph in Canada, reported that a nutrient in chocolate called phenethylamine can alter serotonin and endorphin levels in your brain.

“This boosts your mood – and, you never know, this may have a knock-on effect on your sex drive.”

Low libido: A glass of this alcoholic drink could help boost your sex drive

Low libido can be caused by stress or relationship problems (Image: GETTY)

Low libido: A glass of this alcoholic drink could help boost your sex drive

Low libido: A study found red wine can increase the amount of sex hormone testosterone in men (Image: GETTY)

Dr David Edwards, a GP specialising in sexual health, recommends taking a rhodiola rosea extract supplement to boost low sex drive.

Scientific research led by Dr Edwards and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine and also the journal Phytotherapy Research, has shown that rhodiola rosea extract – a herb used for centuries to relieve stress and boost energy, can also help boost low sex drive in both men and women caused predominantly by stress.

Dr Edwards said: “Available on the high street in the form of Vitano Rhodiola tablets, it is a natural herbal supplement which can help with the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress such as fatigue, exhaustion, and low sex drive and has been used for over 30 years as a traditional remedy.

“In fact, Rhodiola rosea was used by the Vikings and also given as a wedding gift to couples in Siberia.”

Dr Edwards has some other recommendations to boost libido, including getting some much needed shut eye

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