Dad reveals how ‘being a mum’ for a day REALLY is

A young dad who was forced to take on the role of mum after his partner fell ill has decided to document the “waterfalls of vomit and tears” in a light-hearted blog.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

MumdadFacebook/Brad Kearns

Brad Kearns, 27, embraced motherhood after his wife was rushed to hospital with liver failure

On Saturday, Brad Kearns, 27, from New South Wales in Australia, had to rush home from work to his two children, Knox, 2, and Finn, six weeks old, after his wife Sarah text him saying “my liver has failed.” 

Brad assumed the role of mum and dad were the same and was ready to take on the new responsibilities, but like many other dads who have been forced to do the same, he was very wrong. 

He likened the experience to going backwards on a 100mph roller coaster. 

Yesterday, he posted how his first 24 hours had been as ‘mum’ on a Facebook page he created and named DaDMuM. 

He began: “You know when your wife always says “I wish I would be the dad” and you’re like…it’s the same thing…”

After what can only be described as a stressful dinner, Brad then explained what happened after managing to get Finn to sleep. 

He said: “As the night rolls on and my patience wears thin, I reduce myself to keeping Knox quiet by allowing him to place stickers on my (very hairy) legs. He was being quiet…’It’s okay, I can shave them off in the morning’ was the thought. ‘Just don’t wake Finn’.”

As Brad’s longest 24 hours ever begins to come to an end, he then receives an unexpected visit from his mother-in-law. 

MumdadFacebook/Brad Kearns

The experience was stressful, but it seems Brad was able to look on the brightside

He said: “Unshaven, hair a mess, wearing the pants and socks from the day before and a hoodie covering up the fact I had no shirt on. Hadn’t showered, not yet brushed my teeth, Knox comes running out in his sleeping bag asking for a new yoghurt muesli bar to be opened. 

“I open the door to her to reveal the fact that Knox’s noodles were still in a bowl on the table, stickers stuck to the goddamn lounge, the house an absolute mess.

“It was in that moment I knew I was defeated. It was also in that moment I knew she knew I knew I was defeated. A vulnerability we try our best to keep from our in laws. That was only 16 hours of being a mum. And I failed.

“I have not even mastered the ability to keep my own personal hygiene as a mum let alone the ability to keep a house, educated children, prepare meals and even venture outside for activities.”

Admitting failure, Brad then ended the post with: “Sarah’s still in hospital…Get well soon babe and stay tuned for day 2.”

Brad’s funny account of his day has now gone viral, with 43,000 likes on Facebook. 

But rather than his efforts being slated, other parents have praised him for giving it a good go and his hilarious retelling of the experience. 

One mum said: “I woke my sleeping child laughing at this. Worth it.” 

MumdadFacebook/Brad Kearns

Brad admitted defeat but Facebook users have been offering him lots of encouragement

Another said: “All fathers should read this.”

Most of the responses have been very encouraging of Brad and people are excited for his next post. 

One other mum commented: “Great to read your honesty. Amazed you had enough head space to type it. 

“Yes, it is a tough gig, so don’t beat yourself up about it or worry what the mother in law is thinking. Just remember & appreciate what your wife does every day.” 

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