Woman reveals how she battled the bulge after reaching a WHOPPING 19 stone

A woman who found a mutual love of takeaways with her fiancé and ballooned to over 18 stone decied to shed the weight in a desperate mission to improve her health.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Kate Writer has had a complete body overhaul

Kate Writer, 25, from New South Wales, Australia, has always been a “bigger” girl, but after meeting her now fiance Nick Jones, 28, the pair discovered a love for eating junk food from morning to night. 

Often starting the day on a chocolate bar and an energy drink, the couple would finish with two dinners, a takeaway McDonalds a generous home cooked meal. 

The sale assistant’s size 20 frame never bothered confident Kate, until long shifts at work which involved her standing all day, left her feet swollen and in agonising pain which meant she couldn’t drive home. 

The harsh reality about her weight was so confronting, Kate started cutting her calories and began a gruelling exercise regime. 

Now, the brunette beauty has dropped five dress sizes and is a qualified PE teacher who uses intense workouts to tone her body without having to go under the knife. 

Kate said: “When i first met Nick, I was about 12 stone and on the chubby side. 

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Kate would often start the day with a chocolate bar and energy drink

“He loved me the way I was and I quickly became comfortable around him. 

“We’d eat takeaways most nights and before I knew it, my weight had shot up. 

“By 21, I was 120kgs (18 st 9) and wearing a size 20. I was so overweight it hurt to stand up at work and that’s when I realised I had a problem.” 

Before the reality of her weight had sunk in for Kate, she’d always felt confident in her own skin. 

She said: “At school I was on the chunky side but I was never teased or bullied. I played sports and was active and had heaps of friends. 

“But I loved food and had no idea about what was good or bad for my body. 

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Kate's fiance was a fan of food too

“Then Nick came along and he was a fan of food too. Like me, he never questioned what he was eating. We just ate what we enjoyed. 

“We’d treat ourselves to takeaway meals most nights and would snack on sweets and chocolate while we were curled up in front of the TV. 

“But while Nick’s body was never affected by what we ate, I ballooned.” 

Kate’s weight went up by one and a half stone every year for the first four years they were together, a gradual gain she didn’t recognise. 

To begin her diet overhaul, Kate decided to cut back on how much she ate to begin with, and within a month fell below 15 st 7. 

She then switched her fatty diet for fresh vegetables and lean meat and introduced high intensity workouts to her daily routine.

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Kate with fiance Nick

She said: “After nine months I’d shrunk down to a size 10 and weighed about 1st 2. It was the least I’d ever weighed in my life and I felt fantastic. 

“People see my before and after photos and they automatically assume I’ve had surgery, but I haven’t. 

“My weight has actually gone up to 1st 8 but it’s all the muscle I’ve gained. 

“I still have my stretch marks but I’m not ashamed of them. I wear them with pride as they show just how far I’ve come.”

This comes after a woman's amazing reaction after being body shamed during a run.

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