When is the BEST time to exercise? Experts reveal how to make the best of your workout

RESEARCH reveals the majority of Britons favour an afternoon and evening gym session over a morning one - but when’s the most effective time of day to exercise?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


When is the best time of the day to exercise?

More than half of the public (53 per cent) opt to exercise in the evening, after they have finished work, college, university or whatever their daily routine entails. 

And one in three people would rather get their bodies moving at the crack of dawn. 

These figures are part of a survey conducted by DW Fitness Clubs, who also adds that the over-55s are most likely to set their alarms for an early-morning exercise session, whereas the 18 to 24-year-old age group are the most likely to choose an evening workout. 

But do you get better results by working out at a particular time of the day?


Exercising in the morning creates a

Exercising in the morning 

As a busy personal trainer, Carly Tierney has to squeeze her own workouts in whenever she can. 

That said, if given the choice she’d opt for a morning exercise session. This creates a “healthy domino effect” that sets her up for the rest of the day. 

Carly said: “A morning workout jump-starts your metabolism in the same way that eating breakfast does. The thermal effect of exercise (or activity) lasts for at least four hours after a workout, which increases the total calorie expenditure throughout the day. 

“In the eight to 12 hours prior to waking, your body was in sleep mode and in a process of regeneration. Sleeps the time for the body to repair damage (workouts cause microscopic tears in your muscle fibres). Food is also digested and converted into glucose. In the morning, you’re using a fresh, repaired body.”

A study conducted by US-based Appalachian State University found that a 7am workout can help to lower a person’s blood pressure by 10 per cent and also help them to get a better night’s sleep. 


Those who are targeting muscle growth might be better served working out later in the day

Exercising at night

As an article from Medical Daily suggests, those who are specifically targeting muscle growth might be better served working out later in the day. Further research is needed before it can be said for sure, but it’s generally thought that your muscles are at their strongest later in the day. 

Aside from the all-important gains, a lot of people like to hit the gym later on so they can unload all of the stress that they’ve built up throughout the day. 

Carly said: “What works for a person who gets enough rest every night and has enough ATP 9Adenosine triphosphate) and muscle glycogen stored up won’t work for the person whose last meal was at 4pm the previous day and went to bed after midnight. 

“An early-morning workout may wear you out for the rest of the day, especially if you didn’t get the recuperative sleep you needed. That groggy feeling in the morning will have you learning toward an evening workout.” 


Lunchtime workouts can be effective but people must be organised

Lunchtime workouts 

Around 15 per cent of the respondents to the survey said they prefer to squeeze an exercise session into their lunch break. While this is a great time saver, can you really complete an effective workout in such a short timeframe?

Carly thinks it’s possible, but you need to be organised. 

She said: “Try to have a snack one hour before training and don’t train on a full or empty stomach. Perhaps something like rice cakes and peanut butter or honey. If you’re stuck for time, make sure that your workout is intense and effective. Go into the gym with a plan, reduce your rest periods, increase your weights, try HITT training and keep things varied and interesting. It’s often the quality not the quantity of the workout that gets results.”

This comes after it was revealed almost half of Brits admit it’s been over a decade since they went for a run for exercise. 

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