Woman who was fed up of people around her getting divorced decided to marry HERSELF

A WOMAN who had enough with people getting divorced decided she we would be happiest married to herself.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Amanda Canty vowed to

Amanda Canty vowed to “make love to myself often” during the emotional mountain top ceremony. 

The 29-year-old then took herself on a £540 honeymoon to Big Sur, California, where, like any other newlywed, she celebrated her wedding night by consummating her marriage…with herself. 

This comes after the emotional moment a blind man sees his wife for the first time in a decade. 

“It was a wonderful experience,” she said of her April 26 wedding and subsequent honeymoon. “It was truly spiritual and sensual.”

Amanda, a volunteer co-ordinator, of Ojai, California, started considering self-marriage as her 30th birthday approached in December 2015. 

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The 29-year-old took herself on a £540 honeymoon

A number of friends and family members had divorced and she was feeling disillusioned by love and relationships. 

She had been single for a year and a half, having broken up with her previous partner at the end of 2014. 

She said: “I would go to weddings and hear vows being said and would wonder how you make promises to another person before you’ve even made them to yourself. It seemed silly to me.” 

She learnt about self-marriage online and decided to plan a wedding looking out over the valley of Ojai. 

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The wedding took place in Amanda's home state of California

She said: “Friends were excited for me but I think they were disappointed not to be at the party. 

“I’d worked as an actress in Los Angeles and burnt out. 

“I moved to be close to the mountains and marrying myself was a chance to reflect and celebrate my relationship with myself.” 

Amanda did not have any bridesmaids, a best man or any witnesses, and she did not think to take photographs as she was too focused on the spiritual side of the day. 

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Amanda said she was feeling disillusioned by love and relationships when she made the decision

She also bought a £68 pearl ring from a shop in Ojai, which she will wear for life, as a constant reminder of her big day. 

After reading her vows out loud in front of a mirror while classical music played in the background, Amanda’s ceremony ended with her closing her eyes and meditating, before going on a silent walk. 

She then enjoyed a 10-day honeymoon, camping walking and meeting lots of people. 

She had positive feedback from friends, who have expressed an interest in self marrying, too. 

Amanda hasn’t ruled out marrying another human being, adding: “If the right woman comes along that’s amazing, but I feel whole in myself.”

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